Ability -> Sweet Dreams: Mana cost X, Range 0-2, Put a Sleep condition marker on target. Mana cost is Target Level + 3 mana.
Attack-> Tainted Nightmares: Range 0-2, 0 damage dice, effect die 7+: Tainted
When you make the above attack, add 6 to the effect die if the target has a Sleep condition marker.
They are cool!
What about this for an idea:
Since its seems like force abilities are in favour in here compared to psychic, maybe it should have one of each.
Attack -> Explosion from within: Range 0-0, X damage dice. Where X is [put what ever you like here; like X is equal the number of lumbering/psychic imunity creatures in the zone, or 2x(Sleep + Tainted markers), or the Terror effect described above]
Attack 2-> Tainted Nightmares: Range 0-2, 0 damage dice, effect die 7+: Tainted
or SleepWhen you make the above attack, add 6 to the effect die if the target has a Sleep condition marker and don't remove the sleep marker. To add sleep marker pay level +3.