Me and Frozen had our match today.
I played the Johktari Beastmaster and Frozen played the Straywood Beastmaster, it was the battle of the sexes!
We both played very offensive books, Frozen had initiative and start out by moving two steps towards the center and deployed a Battle Forge.
I started out by moving two steps and placing two face-down enchantments on my mage.
The next round I revealed Bear Strength and Lion Savagery and attack his Battle Forge, it survived but my quick cast Geyser killed the forge. Frozen responded by summoning a Wychwood Hound and a Steelclaw Grizzly that he made into his pet.
After that we were almost always in constant battle with a few exceptions where we went away to recover and change approach to the game.
After a very fun game to play, I came out on top. Sharkbait specced and recorded the game so if you're interested in watching the VoD check out his channel.