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Coshade has been keeping the community up to date on the development status of the Mage Wars Arena 1.0-Final Expansion.

This topic is for anyone to share updates on the development of any re-birth of the Arena product into a version 2.0. Are there any milestones in development planned for 2021? Is talent needed to lead the project and navigate the decision making process with Arcane Wonders? The last official word I recall was a survey that was sent out to customers requesting our feedback on what a re-imagined product would look like?

Curious customers are interested to learn what happened with our feedback and whether the product is moving forward at the same time as the version 1.0-Final Expansion project. :)
Spellbook Design and Construction / The paladin and valor
« Last post by Freeborn42 on April 15, 2021, 02:44:15 PM »
I'm looking to make a new pally book, since it's been a while and i could never really get valor to rev up with him and subsequently never really activated too many auras.

I'd like to try making something a little more focused on that and naturally I don't need anyone to build the book for me, but just looking for some advice on what other folks have had success with for generating valor.
Spells / Re: Alluring Orchid Question
« Last post by zot on April 11, 2021, 11:37:32 PM »
under the original card version you would have to attack the orchid with minor creatures. as part of the arena wrap up version release testing going on right now there is a new version of that card that would allow you to do other things. however if a minor creature did attempt a non counterstrike it would have to attack the orchid. also it lost the regeneration trait as well.
Rules Discussion / Re: Alluring Orchid Question
« Last post by zot on April 11, 2021, 11:36:47 PM »
under the original card version you would have to attack the orchid with minor creatures. as part of the arena wrap up version release testing going on right now there is a new version of that card that would allow you to do other things. however if a minor creature did attempt a non counterstrike it would have to attack the orchid. also it lost the regeneration trait as well.
Rules Discussion / Alluring Orchid Question
« Last post by elock49 on April 11, 2021, 08:24:09 AM »
If you are playing Mage Wars Academy against someone who has the "alluring orchid" and you only have minor creatures in play, do you have to attack the alluring orchid or can you choose to guard instead of attacking so that you can avoid attacking the orchid.
Spells / Alluring Orchid Question
« Last post by elock49 on April 11, 2021, 08:20:45 AM »
In mage wars academy, if you are playing against someone that has the "alluring orchid" and you only have minor creatures, can you choose to guard instead of attack the orchid, or do you have no choice but to attack the orchid. 
Events / Re: Final MW Release OCTGN Tournamnet!
« Last post by wtcannonjr on April 05, 2021, 09:08:40 PM »
Good luck with the tournament everyone!

Looking forward to the final release party... :)
Events / Re: gencon 2021 live event
« Last post by DaveW on April 05, 2021, 08:17:53 AM »
Sounded like it would only be partially live, with limited attendance.
Spells / Re: Card Errata (The Mage Wars Community Self-Management Project)
« Last post by Meles on March 30, 2021, 12:22:18 AM »
okay, so after reading a few more comments i've somewhat changed my mind about card errata. we probably don't need any errata for broken cards at the present time, just for cards that are worded badly or break rules as intended, or which are worded confusingly and need to be made more clear.

The game might be more fun and diverse with single purpose wands instead of mage wands/elemental wands, but i'm not sure that's actually necessary for game balance, so that idea's not a good one right now. We don't need to get rid of spellbind.

As for the druid being nigh unkillable without killing her tree, i suppose that one way to think of it is that the druid's tree is like a part of her mage abilities which doesn't become active until after the game starts and she spends mana and actions on it. if you think of the druid as a 34 life 10 channeling mage, and the tree as a 9 mana spawnpoint with 1 channeling and regen 2 and the ability to transfer damage to the controlling mage to make it more surivvable.... barkskin compensates for this, but barkskin has upkeep +2. so basically if your running a druid with a vine tree bonded thats' 34 life and 10 channeling on your mage, minus 10 starting mana and one quick action, and if opponent starts attacking tree and the tree needs to transfer damage to mage, barkskin is needed to compensate for that, which has upkeep 2 so thats like lowering druid down to 8 channeling effectively
So basically, the druid actually starts the game off at a mana and action disadvantage. She isn't overpowered, but maybe it would be a good idea to start attacking the tree sooner even if you don't expect to destroy it. the damage will be transferred to mage, then if she puts barkskin on it will be easier to gain a mana advantage on her until she removes it, which may give you more time to setup on her.
Any developments On the Errata front? Will the final arena expansion expected later this year perhaps create the need for further adjustments?
Events / Re: Final MW Release OCTGN Tournamnet!
« Last post by Coshade on March 29, 2021, 12:14:49 PM »
***General Announcement - 2***

Well you all rock. We ended up doubling the amount of players entering the tournament on the last day. Because of this we had extended the round robin to be 4 groups of 4 players each. Only one player will advance to the semi-finals. I am updating the front of this page to reflect the groups. If you have trouble contacting your opponent - feel free to contact us at Arcaneduels@gmail.com, or pm me on Discord.

Good luck everyone!
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