February 17, 2025, 08:56:27 AM

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Spellbook Builder / Re: Card database available
« Last post by raphael75 on February 01, 2025, 11:07:32 AM »
It appears that the original link doesn't work. Is there a new link to be able to access the database?
League / Tournament Play / Re: Colossus Belt 2025 and onwards
« Last post by Knabbmaster on December 01, 2024, 07:05:20 AM »
Thought it was better to make replies rather than spaming new copies of the same post over and over again.

Obviously for this upcomming winter 2025 match, I'm looking for a challenger, if you want to play sign up before December 8th!
League / Tournament Play / Colossus Belt 2025 and onwards
« Last post by Knabbmaster on December 01, 2024, 07:03:11 AM »
The Colossus Belt
The Colossus Belt is a series of matches where a champion takes on one challenger at a time until they lose, when the challenger wins they get the title and will then be the one to face more opponents.

It is a Bo7 and matches take place every three months with the games being played on OCTGN.

Four matches will be held each year:
    December - February
    March - May
    June  - August
    September - November

Before each match challengers may sign up, if there are several challengers, one will be chosen by the following tie-breakers:
TB1: Highest placement in a tournament in the last 2 years (must at least be top 4).
TB2: How recent that tournament was.
TB3: Highest placement in a tournament all time.
TB4: How recent that tournament was.
TB5: The champions choice

The tournaments looked at are GenCon, German Nationals and the ones held by Arcane duels. The date of the tournament is the day that the last game finished. The list of tournaments is subject to change.

If nobody sings up before a deadline, whoever signs up first gets to play. The deadlines are the 8th of Dec/Mar/Jun/Sep, and if nobody signs up until the last month of that season the champion may decline that challenge.

Whoever lost the most recent match is still allowed to sign up, however everybody else will be prioritised over them, this is to prevent a situation where we have the same two players over and over again.

If the champion quits
If you become the champion you do not have to play the following match, you can simply quit the competition, having the next match be between two challengers chosen by the tie-breaker format. If this occurs the loser of the last match will be able to enter just like everyone else, since it's already clear that we won't have a repeated matchup.

Sign ups
Contact me here or on Discord if you want participate.
League / Tournament Play / Colossus Belt Fall 2024
« Last post by Knabbmaster on September 01, 2024, 10:43:18 AM »
The Colossus Belt
The Colossus Belt is a series of matches where a champion takes on one challenger at a time until they lose, when the challenger wins they get the title and will then be the one to face more opponents.

It is a Bo7, using the latest playtest rules and matches take place every two months (with the games being played on OCTGN), this one will be taking place during September - October

Before each match challengers may sign up, if there are several challengers, one will be chosen by the following tie-breakers:
TB1: Highest placement in a tournament in the last 2 years (must at least be top 4).
TB2: How recent that tournament was.
TB3: Highest placement in a tournament all time.
TB4: How recent that tournament was.
TB5: The champions choice

The tournaments looked at are GenCon, German Nationals and the ones held by Arcane duels, more might get added. The date of the tournament is the day that the last game finished.

If nobody sings up before the deadline, September 8th, whoever signs up first gets to play and if there still aren't any challengers by the 15th there will be no match until the next one is held.

Whoever lost the most recent match is still allowed to sign up, however everybody else will be prioritised over them, this is to prevent a situation where we have the same two players over and over again.

If the champion quits
If you become the champion you do not have to play the following match, you can simply quit the competition, having the next match be between two challengers chosen by the tie-breaker format. If this occurs the loser of the last match will be able to enter just like everyone else, since it's already clear that we won't have a repeated matchup.

Sign ups
A new challenger will be picked on the 8th of September, you have until then to message me here or on Discord if you want participate.

Also if you have really good tie-breakers but don't want to play, I would appreciate if you declared it so that other potential challengers can see. There have been players who don't think/want to play because they have thought someone else should take the spot.
League / Tournament Play / Colossus Belt Summer 2024
« Last post by Knabbmaster on July 01, 2024, 02:13:10 PM »
The Colossus Belt
The Colossus Belt is a series of matches where a champion takes on one challenger at a time until they lose, when the challenger wins they get the title and will then be the one to face more opponents.

It is a Bo7, using the latest playtest rules and matches take place every two months (with the games being played on OCTGN), this one will be taking place during July - August

Before each match challengers may sign up, if there are several challengers, one will be chosen by the following tie-breakers:
TB1: Highest placement in a tournament in the last 2 years (must at least be top 4).
TB2: How recent that tournament was.
TB3: Highest placement in a tournament all time.
TB4: How recent that tournament was.
TB5: The champions choice

The tournaments looked at are GenCon, German Nationals and the ones held by Arcane duels, more might get added. The date of the tournament is the day that the last game finished.

If nobody sings up before the deadline, July 8th, whoever signs up first gets to play and if there still aren't any challengers by the 15th there will be no match until September.

Whoever lost the most recent match is still allowed to sign up, however everybody else will be prioritised over them, this is to prevent a situation where we have the same two players over and over again.

If the champion quits
If you become the champion you do not have to play the following match, you can simply quit the competition, having the next match be between two challengers chosen by the tie-breaker format. If this occurs the loser of the last match will be able to enter just like everyone else, since it's already clear that we won't have a repeated matchup.

Sign ups
A new challenger will be picked on the 8th of July, you have until then to message me here or on Discord if you want participate.

Also if you have really good tie-breakers but don't want to play, I would appreciate if you declared it so that other potential challengers can see. There have been players who don't think/want to play because they have thought someone else should take the spot.
League / Tournament Play / Colossus Belt
« Last post by Knabbmaster on May 01, 2024, 12:29:43 PM »
The Colossus Belt
The Colossus Belt is a series of matches where a champion takes on one challenger at a time until they lose, when the challenger wins they get the title and will then be the one to face more opponents.

It is a Bo7, using the latest playtest rules and matches take place every two months (with the games being played on OCTGN), this one will be taking place during May - June.

Before each match challengers may sign up, if there are several challengers, one will be chosen by the following tie-breakers:
TB1: Highest placement in a tournament in the last 2 years (must at least be top 4).
TB2: How recent that tournament was.
TB3: Highest placement in a tournament all time.
TB4: How recent that tournament was.
TB5: The champions choice

The tournaments looked at are GenCon, German Nationals and the ones held by Arcane duels, more might get added. The date of the tournament is the day that the last game finished.

If nobody sings up before the deadline, May 8th, whoever signs up first gets to play and if there still aren't any challengers by the 15th there will be no match until July.

Whoever lost the most recent match is still allowed to sign up, however everybody else will be prioritised over them, this is to prevent a situation where we have the same two players over and over again.

If the champion quits
If you become the champion you do not have to play the following match, you can simply quit the competition, having the next match be between two challengers chosen by the tie-breaker format. If this occurs the loser of the last match will be able to enter just like everyone else, since it's already clear that we won't have a repeated matchup.

Sign ups
A new challenger will be picked on the 8th of May, you have until then to message me here or on Discord if you want participate.

Also if you have really good tie-breakers but don't want to play, I would appreciate if you declared it so that other potential challengers can see. There have been players who don't think/want to play because they have thought someone else should take the spot.
League / Tournament Play / Colossus Belt Spring 2024
« Last post by Knabbmaster on March 01, 2024, 01:05:27 PM »
The Colossus Belt
The Colossus Belt is a series of matches where a champion takes on one challenger at a time until they lose, when the challenger wins they get the title and will then be the one to face more opponents.

It is a Bo7, using the latest playtest rules and matches take place every two months (with the games being played on OCTGN), this one will be taking place during March - April.

Before each match challengers may sign up, if there are several challengers, one will be chosen by the following tie-breakers:
TB1: Highest placement in a tournament in the last 2 years (must at least be top 4).
TB2: How recent that tournament was.
TB3: Highest placement in a tournament all time.
TB4: How recent that tournament was.
TB5: The champions choice

The tournaments looked at are GenCon, German Nationals and the ones held by Arcane duels, more might get added. The date of the tournament is the day that the last game finished.

If nobody sings up before the deadline, March 8th, whoever signs up first gets to play and if there still aren't any challengers by the 15th there will be no match until May.

Whoever lost the most recent match is still allowed to sign up, however everybody else will be prioritised over them, this is to prevent a situation where we have the same two players over and over again.

If the champion quits
If you become the champion you do not have to play the following match, you can simply quit the competition, having the next match be between two challengers chosen by the tie-breaker format. If this occurs the loser of the last match will be able to enter just like everyone else, since it's already clear that we won't have a repeated matchup.

Sign ups
A new challenger will be picked on the 8th of March, you have until then to message me here or on Discord if you want participate.

Also if you have really good tie-breakers but don't want to play, I would appreciate if you declared it so that other potential challengers can see. There have been players who don't think/want to play because they have thought someone else should take the spot.
League / Tournament Play / Colossus Belt Holidays
« Last post by Knabbmaster on November 01, 2023, 01:03:56 PM »
The Colossus Belt
The Colossus Belt is a series of matches where a champion takes on one challenger at a time until they lose, when the challenger wins they get the title and will then be the one to face more opponents.

It is a Bo7, using the latest playtest rules and matches take place every two months (with the games being played on OCTGN), this one will be taking place during November - December.

Before each match challengers may sign up, if there are several challengers, one will be chosen by the following tie-breakers:
TB1: Highest placement in a tournament in the last 2 years (must at least be top 4).
TB2: How recent that tournament was.
TB3: Highest placement in a tournament all time.
TB4: How recent that tournament was.
TB5: The champions choice

The tournaments looked at are GenCon, German Nationals and the ones held by Arcane duels, more might get added. The date of the tournament is the day that the last game finished.

If nobody sings up before the deadline, November 8th, whoever signs up first gets to play and if there still aren't any challengers by the 15th there will be no match until January

Whoever lost the most recent match is still allowed to sign up, however everybody else will be prioritised over them, this is to prevent a situation where we have the same two players over and over again.

If the champion quits
If you become the champion you do not have to play the following match, you can simply quit the competition, having the next match be between two challengers chosen by the tie-breaker format. If this occurs the loser of the last match will be able to enter just like everyone else, since it's already clear that we won't have a repeated matchup.

Sign ups
A new challenger will be picked on the 8th of November, you have until then to message me here or on Discord if you want participate.

Also if you have really good tie-breakers but don't want to play, I would appreciate if you declared it so that other potential challengers can see. There have been players who don't think/want to play because they have thought someone else should take the spot.
Website Support and Feedback / Forums restored!
« Last post by Robert Geistlinger on October 03, 2023, 05:38:36 AM »
And we are back
General Discussion / Re: additional resources
« Last post by iNano78 on September 08, 2023, 02:23:24 PM »
The closest we've got is the unofficial http://www.spellbookbuilder.com/. I think it's missing the latest Academy sets though (Druid, Necromancer, Elementalist and Monk).

Thank you for letting me know about that.

Without something like the Gatherer website or other software available for games like Magic: The Gathering to track inventory and create decks from their inventory, how do most people create decks in Mage Wars or keep track of their cards? Complex Excel files?

At spellbookbuilder.com, if you click the "show sets" link at the upper right, you can choose the quantity of each set/expansion that you own. This will then correctly give you the right card counts (in the "own" column).

To create decks, you can use the "show spellbook" and increase the value in the "used" column to build a deck, then export to file or text.
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