« on: July 29, 2018, 02:05:14 AM »
here it is:
(all the "Fs" mean that the rule was aproved on the Forum)
1. Attack modifier : if a modifier that applies only to the first attack of an attack action is mooved to another object after the first attack and mooved back, it will apply again. (F)
2. Befor or after an action phase : events that take place during these periods can occure in any order (c.f. Initiative). (F)
3. Burn : does flame damages. (F)
4. Caster : when a card or rule refers to the "caster" it is the object that casted the spell, but "you" is the mage (the caster's controler if it is not a mage). (F)
5. Conditions : if a creature recieves a condition that should be processed or removed at the end of its action phase during its action phase, it will be processed or removed at the end of its next action phase. (F)
6. Damages : to recieve or deal 0 damage is not recieve or deale damage. (F)
7. Duplicates : you can't have more than one copy of an object attached to the same thing. (F)
8. Enchantments: hidden enchantments have no trait (exceptions : cantrip, decoy). (F)
9. Formation :
◦ both effects are only in the zone. (F)
◦ second effect can be used only once per trigger. (F)
10. Imunity : a creature can't intercept an attack it is imune to. (F)
11. Imunity : a creature can't melee attack in a zone if all guards are imune to its attack (except if it is elusive). (F)
12. Incapacitate : if a creature becomes incapacitate after the declare attack step, the attack stops. (house rule)
13. Initiative : (F)
◦ The player with initiative goes first if both players want to act simultaneously.
◦ The order of resolution of simultaneous effects from the same cause is choosed by the controler of the cause.
◦ Special upkeep: during the upkeep it's the controler of the objects affected who chooses the order of the effects.
◦ Problem : if the normal rules don't solve the timing issue, the player with initiative chooses who plays.
▪ For example, during upkeep, if an object A, that should be destructed during upkeep, affects an opponent's object B. The player with initiative can choose A's controler (who must destroy A without effect) or B's controler (who must resolve A's effect on B befor A is destroyed).
▪ For example, during upkeep, if an effect on object A affects an opponent's object B too. The player with initiative can choose A's controler (who can resolve the effect on A, what forces B to resolve it simultaneously) or B's controler (who can resolve another effect befor A's controler forces him to resolvee the first effect).
14. Intercept : the interceptor becomes the target. (F)
15. Intercept : a creature can't intercept an attack that tagets it. (F)
16. Mage's ability counter : If the object's controler changes, the abilty's doesn't (F):
• Pet receives +1 Melee with his first controler
• Bloodreaper is able to heal his first controler
• Eternal Servant can be reanimated by his first controler
• Holy Avenger gets bonus for the creatures and holy conjurations friendly to his first controler
• Bonded tree is still bonded to his first controler
• Veterans continue as usual
• Runes : Fortification and Precision go with the object // Power, and Shielding are useless // Reforging is bound to the owner
ERRATA : if the equipment is stolen, the rune stays on it but has no effect for other controlers (house rull)
17. Numbers : negative numbers don't exist. (F)
18. Reach : reach doesn't affect flying creatures (except with sweeping: a flying creature with a reach + sweeping attack can attack a flying and a non flying creature in the same attack action). (F)
19. Spell level: a "3x & 2y" spell is a level 5 spell of school x and a level 5 spell of school y, but a mage trained up to level n in school x will pay the x level simple when building if [x level]<=n. (F)
20. Spellbind : when changing the bound spell, you can take another card of the same spell but not the same card. (F)
ERRATA when the spell is cast, it's discarded (house rule)
ERRATA a new spell can be bound during planning (house rule)
21. Trample : a trample attack is « a contact attac but no melee attack », many situations must be decided.
◦ Elusive creatures can't ignore guards when trample (F)
◦ ERRATA Flying creatures loose flying during trample (house rule)
◦ +x/-x melee don't affect trample (F)
◦ ERRATA a defense that doesn't affect melee doesn't affect trample (house rule)
22. If 2 effects trigger on the same condition, both resolve. (house rule)
23. V'Tar orbs : when an orb is turned on by a mage who is part of a team, this mage gaines the "residual" mana or healing. (F)
24. V'Tar orbs - Faulty Orbs variant : the orbs are turned on by controling the zone too. (F)
25. Walls : walls are at range 0 and at range 1 from an adjacent zone. Adjacent zones are at range 1 from the wall. (F)
26. Walls : walls of a certain type affect objects imune to this type in matter of LOS and passage block. (F)
1. Arcane ward : triggers during the declare step. (F)
2. Enchantment transfusion : there must be LOS from the ET to the new target of the enchantment. (F)
3. Flank attack : the piercing bonus is only for one attack (not for the whole attack action). (F)
4. Forcefield : counters a damage barrier. (F)
5. Force orb / sword : isn't affected by conditions, or incapacitated or restrained. (F)
6. Gurmash : uses warlord's orders as he would have the same text on his card. (house rule)
7. Izimbila : has the subtype befor casted. (F)
8. Joined strength : the damage's source doesn't change. (F)
9. Mana prism : the loss can be caused directly by the spell or ability, or by an upkeep cost or a mana drain/transfer effect caused by the spell or ability. (F)
10. ERRATA Quicksand : can't target uncontainable creatures. (F)
11. Reverse attack : the reversed attack can't be avoided. (F)
12. Reverse magic : the reversed spell can be countered (but the countering is non-mandatory for a nulify). (F)
13. Seedlingpod : is sacrificied as part of the casting of the spell. (F)
14. ERRATA Steep hill : cuts LoS that goes accros his zone diagonally. (house rull)
(and I should add, that we announce our mages before building)