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Messages - Tacullu64

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Strategy and Tactics / Re: I feel the temple is overpowered
« on: July 11, 2013, 04:22:57 PM »
@ deckbuilder

No offense was given or taken. I wouldn't visit Internet forums if I was that easily offended.

You are correct in that I misinterpreted your concerns about ToL and new players. My apologies.

I was not dismissing players who couldn't cope with the steep learning curve. My intention was to illustrate Mage Wars requires many more tactical decisions than many other card based games and that there isn't a DoJ style of card to save the day. You might be required to make more decisions in a single turn in the middle of a game of MW than you do in an entire game of MtG. If your opponent builds an advantage in the first 4 turns of the game it might be wise to consider a 3 or 4 turn counter strategy instead of a one turn silver bullet.

You are correct that the rules of the game are fairly intuitive, but the gameplay and interaction between players can get pretty complex. It wasn't my intent to indicate playing the ToL strategy was difficult, but that countering it can be for some builds and strategies, and that is not necessarily a bad thing. I was also trying to point out that different mages/builds could (should?) employ different methods against the ToL builds depending on their individual strengths.

I must confess I like attrition builds. They are not boring to me as long as there is enough interaction between the players. I understand that some people don't like that style of play, but some do.

A simpler solution than making temple of light epic to avoid wallet wins would be to put 3 copies in a future expansion.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: I feel the temple is overpowered
« on: July 11, 2013, 10:37:27 AM »
I have yet to hear a legitimate reason as to why ToL is OP.  Because new players perceive it to be, is not a valid concern. If you are introducing someone new to the game don't use ToL until you think they can handle it.

As to other cards beginners perceive as OP, how about Battle Fury. Imagine you're playing your first game. You have played 8 - 10 turns. Sure you are down to 14 life on your mage, but you actually got your opponent down to 22 life. This is a lot of fun, we got a lot of back and forth action going. You may be down but you're holding your own, then your opponent pulls out BF and deals 14 damage before you even new you were in danger of losing to a single mage activation. Yeah, that's great for the game. Lets nerf BF too. I have a better idea, lets not. Why don't we give people a chance to learn the intracies of the game. Mage Wars is a complex game with a steep learning curve. That is a positive in my book and I am sure it may be a negative for others. Nerfing and banning cards is always a negative thing even when it is necessary, which it is not in this case.

Two of the three big tournaments were won by Warlocks ergo the warlock is OP. He must be, he wins 66% of the tournaments. It is obvious he is not, we don't have enough data to support that assertion yet. Or maybe he is just really popular and his winning percentage can be attributed to the number of people playing warlocks.

The reason I don't give specific suggestions to countering ToL is because of the very nature of MW. Mage Wars is not Magic the Gathering. There are no Day of Judgement cards to reset the game or swing it in your favor. Even if a player has a big turn it is not because of a single powerful card. It is because of the decisions he made in previous turns that put him in a situation to benefit from a big turn. You win based on your strategy(s), the tactics you employ to implement your strategies, and your ability to adapt when your opponent's strategy is dominant. If the ToL has you down your solution depends on your mage, the cards you have in your spellbook (which determines the type of counter strategies you can implement), the state of the game at the moment, and your ability to second guess your opponent. Mage Wars is a game where you have many choices to make. That means you have a lot of chances to screw up and a lot of chances to look like a genius.  If you ever run into a strategy you weren't prepared for it could easily feel like your opponent is using broken cards. For me to offer specific advice I would need to be looking over your shoulder as the game unfolds and see what choices you have before you.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: I feel the temple is overpowered
« on: July 10, 2013, 11:00:43 PM »
^Completely agree.

ToL Builds are not over powered unless you as the defending player do not go on the aggressive as soon as you see them trying to build temples. Going aggressive is the best strategy against the the temple decks as it forces the opponent to choose between building and dying or switching their plan completely.

I couldn't agree more with your statement that ToL builds are not overpowered. However, I'm not sure that ratcheting up the aggression is the answer to every problem. It might be that some builds don't have enough firepower to overcome another builds defenses. You need to first assess your chances of successfully overpowering the priestesses defenses. Remember, that is exactly what builds like the Lord of terror want to do and she handles them pretty well. It might be, that you need to come up with a more disciplined strategy that systematically neutralizes the ToL strategy.

This is from the official FAQ/ errata. It should help clarify hindering and teleport.

Or not.  :D

This is from the official FAQ/ errata. It should help clarify hindering and teleport.

The official rule: A creature cannot take a second move action (even if it has the Fast trait), if it is in a zone where it is currently hindered, or has already moved this round out of a zone while it was hindered.
A creature may be able to become unhindered before its first move action. For example, the Necropian Vampiress could gain Flying before she moves. If there are no flyers in her zone before she moves, then she could exit the zone unhindered. If she is unhindered in the new zone, she can move again as a second move action. The same would apply with a creature revealing an Eagle Wings before it takes its first move action.
Movement by teleporting ignores the Hindering restriction. If a creature teleports before it takes any move actions, it can become un-hindered if it teleports into a zone without any enemy objects that can hinder it.
Note that if a creature has moved one zone while unhindered, and is unhindered in its new zone, it can move a second time into a zone with enemy creatures in it (where it will be hindered for its next action phase).

In the scenario you described I would want both the armor and the cloak. Maybe that's just me and my defensive mindset.

Don't under estimate the -2 reduction to the D12  effect rolls. I hate being set on fire or stunned/dazed.

I said +1 armour was good against all mages apart from force master. because if we are going to imagine the hypothetical build where she would not attack you with her blade then there are much larger variables to consider.

would you put on an ele cloak against force master if you were the warlord?

and I also said that most mages (all except earth/water wizard) have cheaper ways of getting more armour in both cost and mana

the topic of this forum is "a base set of cards ALL mages should use"
 ele cloak should not be used by ALL mages (ie warlord) so it should not be on list

and yes there are spells you should always have like dispel (even warlord).

sure you can divide this into lists of what each mage must have but that is a different topic

I don't build my spell books to fight a particular mage. So yes I would put an elemental cloak in my warlords spell book, Knowing full well I might never use it against a forcemaster but I will be glad I have it against the warlock.

If we are strictly going with MUST haves then Teleport (or push), Dispel and Dissolve are essential. If you don't have these in your book and get caught out you will lose the game instantly. Cloak / Armor etc are 2nd tier in my eyes.

I put teleport, dispell, and dissolve in all my books. I also put an elemental cloak and all my books. It's just too cheap not to when you consider the potential benefits.

If you plan on keeping your mage out of harms way I could see how one might consider armor and cloaks second tier. I figured no matter how hard I try sooner or later I will have to mix it up with my mage (truth to tell I plan on my mage being in the thick of it). So I put a greater value on armor and elemental resistances. But then I prefer a defensive/counter punching style of play.

adding 1 armour is countered by 1 Peirce. it only gets value when you add it to another armour item, so there will be times when it wont be of value. by definition it isn't valuable 100% of the time so it should not be an must have card.
for most mages you can get 2 armour for cheaper (with 1 ele resist) and if there are some mages who will attack you without an ele resist provided by the cloak you don't have a good card in that case.

not saying its not a very good card most of time, but there are match ups where you don't use it. so you should not have it in a must have skeleton deck build.

You are talking like every attack has piercing. Most attacks don't have piercing so the +1 armor will be useful more times than not, unless you want to posit that sometimes your opponent will roll all criticals so +1 armor wouldn't be useful then either. That argument would apply to all armor though.

There are no cards that are used in every game. However, that doesn't invalidate this list. Therefore the questions are how likely you are to use it, how much benefit do you gain from its use, and how much does it cost you to include it in your spellbook?

Elemental Cloak is one of the best defensive pieces of equipment in the game, and as a level 1 spell easy to splash into any spellbook.

Here are a couple of links from previous priestess threads. Kinda interesting in the context of this thread.

From March of this year.

From May of this year.

That was just me on the BF is OP, and I was making a point.

I really don't think what I asked is hard to deliver. there are people in this thread saying "tol is such an easy build to counter if you are good" and "tol is such an op card/ play". I'm not saying give the whole 10 round play of the game. but you can suggest "if you sense temples, adjust your plan/books to include X,Y,Z" if it is so easy to counter imply easy solution. on the other hand if tol require a complex plan to defeat then perhaps tweaking is needed.

This game is not simple. There are a multitude of decisions to make every game. The only easy thing about this game is having fun.

Let's break down this topic into its simplest question without going into the details of the individual choices.

I will give you a multiple choice question and you give me the answer.

Your opponent is employing the ToL and HoBS priestess build and is spending his opening turns playing temples do you:

1.  Attack the ToL.

2.  Attack the Hands of Bim-Shalla.

3.  Attack both.

4.  Ignore the temples and focus on the enemy mage.

Without getting into the"how's" which strategy do you employ. Feel free to add an alternative if you have one.

Damn it Tacullu! Here's to writing a part 2!

Best get started then. Lots more to cover.

If people are testing Hand and ToL, we should probably be testing them in multiple types of book, too. I've got a Forcemaster list that isn't working right, so I'm probably going to try experimenting with more temples there. I've also got a Beastmaster that has 16 points devoted to ranged attacks (2x Gorgon), which is enough room to sub in temples, I bet.

Rather than make this a thread for complaining, lets do some Science! If you do better than usual with temples, let us know! If you discover secret anti-temple tech, tell me and no one else! Er... no, lets share!

Good attitude. Good ideas.

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