If a spell or ability says it cannot push a creature through a wall that has the Passage Attacks trait (or requires extra mana), does it count a Wall of Pikes if you're pushing in a direction that doesn't cause damage?
Imagine I'm a Forcemaster and the Warlord is on the other side of a Wall of Pikes, pointy end facing me. On my turn, can I use my Pull ability to pull them through the wall into my zone so I can attack them (but not cause damage from the wall)?
Read literally, it seems I would not be able to do that. However, I understand that the primary reason these limitations on pushes were put in place were to make walls LESS powerful because the damaging attacks were too good at the normal pushing mana cost. This limitation, if I can't pull them from behind the wall, seems to make Wall of Pikes MORE powerful rather than less.