Spellbook builder is available at
http://www.spellbookbuilder.comIt includes all released Arena and Academy cards.
It doesn't support Internet Explorer (don't know about Edge, wouldn't be my money on it).
Hi gals and guys,
Writing from Croatia, been playing MW for about 2 years. I've been reading forums for a while but never felt like I could contribute so this is my first post.
Spellbook builder was incredibly useful when I first started building spellbooks, but over time and extensive usage I became aware of things that could be improved.
I'm currently on vacation and a few days ago I started looking into spell builder card database code before my daughter and wife woke up. Things escalated quickly from there and I spent entire day coding and by the time I went to bed I had a fully functional spellbook builder/card database.
The main reasons for taking this effort were:
- official spellbook builder is somewhat difficult to use on a small screen
- I often need to skim through all the cards so I can decide what to include (I only play ~50 games per year)
- I wanted to search cards by restriction (dark mage only, druid only etc.)
- I recently purchased Battleground Dominations and it is not supported on official spellbook
- importing spellbooks doesn't work (I'm a mac user)
- accidentally reloading the page is devastating

I needed up with a slightly different design and implemented all the functionality official spellbook builder has plus:
- spellbooks are stored using browser storage - they persists across sessions
- support for Battleground Dominations
- card restrictions are searchable (through subtype)
At the moment I'm very happy with what I've got, but I plan to add the following
- mage cards - the main problem here is that I need to take photos of them and the sets are at my friends (we co-own then).
- "remember" number of sets owned - defaults are currently hardcoded for sets we own, but it may not be practical for other people

Anyway, here goes:

During the process I used information from card database and spellbook builder and I downloaded images for all cards. I believe these things are property of AW so I'd like to get approval to share my spellbook builder/card database with the rest of the world.
If I can get approval I would be delighted to hear the community feedback, implement new features and fix bugs (there are always bugs).
Another thing I'd like to do is add more data about the cards so they can be searched based on attack attributes (Piercing, Unavoidable ...), effects (Burn, Cripple ..) and other relevant info (Defense, Armor, dice number ...). It wouldn't be difficult to add this feature but data is not available and I don't have the time to enter it manually. If I get AW approval and there is interest it can be a community driven effort.
P.S. Hope admins will approve this post