Not sure if it's different in France, but in Canada, the French word for beer is bière (similar to the German word). Cerveza/cerveja is Spanish/Portugese.
Other than the local crew, would anybody be willing to travel to Ottawa, Canada for a Mage Wars tournament?
*edit* Or perhaps a little closer to the US border... perhaps somewhere near Prescott, ON (across a bridge from Ogdensburg, NY)?
Yes id travel to Canada.
Really wanted to go to Germany before Gen-Con -even tried to buy 4 core sets and 1+ of every expansion in german (even if i dont speak german) but the order wouldnt go through. Unfortunately i coudnt get more holliday leave so Germany is on hold to after Gen-con.
"I will admit that speaking a language that's not german makes me a little uncomfortable. Sitting there, looking for a translation or a phrase that you don't know is annoying. You know what you want to say, but you can't. Considering myself quite eloquent in german, I often feel like a stuttering idiot because I have to use the simplest words I know."
I know this all to well
Still ive been an competive bridge/chess player before mage wars. Both games are very stale - complex and have a large community in almost every country. But i found it a very good way to meet local people. Ive played chess in the street of Caracas and Las Palmas. Bridge in France, Spain and England.
Who wouldn't go to France, Spain, Germany or Canada (or anywhere) to play a game you love. Meet new people and maybe even make new friends, even if you dont share a common language (other than mage wars/bridge/chess)
I still hope to attract a few foreigners to Copenhagen/Viking Cup in October its the same time as Essen and ill gladly order beer for you.
Mage Wars wont die unless we let it die. It just to good a game.