There were 4 of us watching on Twitch, (and possibly more watching on OCTGN?). Jacksmack got off to a promising start with a [mwcard=MW1J04] Battle Forge[/mwcard] then [mwcard=FWQ09] Sectarus, Dark Rune Sword[/mwcard] and a [mwcard=MWSTX2FFC02] Blood Demon[/mwcard]. Charmyna opened with [mwcard=MW1J04] Battle Forge[/mwcard] and [mwcard=MW1Q22] Moonglow Amulet[/mwcard].
The game proceeded with Charmyna playing at least 6 armor, including [mwcard=MW1E36] Rhino Hide[/mwcard] and
Chitin Armor and a [mwcard=DNQ07] Veteran's Belt[/mwcard], as well as a [mwcard=MW1E32] Regrowth[/mwcard] and activating [mwcard=WIZARD (EARTH)ABILITYOUTLINE]Voltaric Shield[/mwcard] each round. Jack swung hard, enchanting the Warlock with buffs and the Wizard with Curses, usually doing the 1 damage needed to get another curse onto the Wizard. In this manner, Charmyna was brought down to about 10 life remaining surplus to damage.
But Charmyna had cast an Iron Golem and enchanted it with
Mana Vampirism (Corporeal Creature!). Putting it on guard at first was only somewhat effective as Jack played a [mwcard=MW1E28] Mongoose Agility[/mwcard] on his Demon, and then, when it was dispelled, had already prepared a backup for immediate play.
But in the end, not even Jack's well timed [mwcard=MW1E23] Jinx[/mwcard] and [mwcard=MW1E31] Poisoned Blood[/mwcard] could stop Charmyna from stabilizing. Even negating Charmyna's [mwcard=MWSTX1CKJ02] Wizard's Tower[/mwcard] with [mwcard=DNQ01] Cloak of Shadows[/mwcard], didn't stop
Balista, [mwcard=MW1J08] Hand of Bim-Shalla[/mwcard] and the Golem from propelling Charmyna around the corner. Eventually, Charmyna ground out a steady supply of damage despite Jack's Armor, while continuing to heal.
Jack lamented his lack of [mwcard=MW1J19] Deathlock[/mwcard], a normal staple in his spellbooks, as Charmyna eventually put the game out of reach and Jack conceded. The game was played well with few rules questions (wait, Mana Transfer does
what again?), and excellent sportsmanship from both contestants, with neither interested in taking back misplays even though the opponent offered.
It was very interesting to see Sectarus in action, as it's not a common play due to its high cost and reliance on doing damage, which was a liability in this matchup against Charmyna's Turtle style play with Armor, Vet Belt, and Shield. Jack would have likely done better against a newer style Weighted Wizard spellbook, but the old-fashioned-style combo of old, slow, and frustrating proved to be overwhelming. Eventually.
-- This report has been edited to include the Cloak of Shadows, which I forgot initially