It is with great pleasure that I use my 1,000th post on these forums to bring you the results of the 2015 Gen Con Mage Wars Arena Championship!!!
I'd like to preface by saying that while I have the names of all competitors I do not have the full listing of Player to Mage in front of me. That paper work aspect of the tournament was the biggest hurdle and spell book lists got shuffled around or kept by their mages due to their requests. I will have that information soon enough and will update this post as more information comes in. So please have some patience and we'll get this done
Ok now on with the show.
Hanma: Wizard(Water) 6-1 CHAMPION
John Ambriz: Wizard(Water)
Ryan Dillon: Beast Master 1-3
Shadow: Wizard(Earth) 3-2
Tim McCurry: Wizard(Earth) 5-2 2ND PLACE
Jack Brickman: Wizard(Air) 0-5
Sharkbait: Adramelech Warlock 3-2
John Mehring: Force Master
TrentMagus: Force Master 4-2 4TH PLACE
Raymond Slover: Druid 3-2
Justin Bailey: Johktari Beast Master 2-3
Brandon Waite: Johktari Beast Master 2-3
Jordan Corbin: Straywood Beast Master 2-1(Withdrew)
Greg DieckHaus: Priestess 5-1 3RD PLACE
Tyler Howsore: 1-3 Necromancer
James Schrader 1-2(Withdrew)
DaveW: Straywood Beast Master 3-2
Of the three listed who's mages I don't remember off the top of my head one was playing a Necromancer and another a Straywood Beast Master. There were no Warlords, Priests, or Arraxian Crown Warlocks.
As you can see the tournament was dominated by Wizards. I was pleased to see the two Johktari and surprised by the lack of Warlords honestly. It should be noted that neither Academy nor Domination were legal for this tournament though both were for sale at the Arcane Wonders booth. Obviously as most players hadn't had a chance to purchase these sets before Gen Con it was decided they would be non-sanctioned for this event so as to not allow for unfair advantages. Overall I saw very good sportsmanship(yes there was an exception) and I saw nothing but well played games and a lot of really inventive spell books. Very few rules questions disputes as well for which I was surprised(I said very few not none however lol.)
Promo Cards that were handed out in Rounds 1-4 were in order:
Alternate Art Adramelech Warlock
Ankh of Asyra
Alternate Art Anvil Throne Warlord
Interviews were conducted by Arcane Duels throughout the event and the weekend actually. You REALLY REALLY want to watch those videos when they come out....especially one with a certain Mr. Pope...just saying.
This is the first part of this post. I will be processing the rest of the data through the day. I apologize for the incompleteness of it right now but it's Monday and my full time job is pressing for my immediate return today
This will be finished as I can. I will post spellbooks for the 1st, 3rd, and 4th place mages later as well.