Ah yes. More spoilers here:
http://forum.arcanewonders.com/index.php?topic=15739.msg53466#msg53466Was able to get a picture of the suggested spellbooks off of one of those Academy videos. Not the best quality but somebody with good eyes might be able to discern the names of some cards in the set. That doesn't really help figure out what they do but its better than nothing
The nature enchantments appear to be:
- Badger ____ (? - Bravery? Frenzy? Hard to read; have no idea what this does)
- Gator Toughness (? - enchantment version of [mwcard=MWSTX1CKQ03]Colossus Belt[/mwcard]? Or maybe weaker [mwcard=MW1E36]Rhino Hide[/mwcard]?)
- Iguana Regrowth (probably a weaker [mwcard=MW1E32]Regrowth[/mwcard])
- Joined Strength (see other thread)
- Panther Stealth (? - probably similar to [mwcard=MW1E28]Mongoose Agility[/mwcard] somehow without being identical)
- Tangle____ (Tanglesnare? - enchantment that causes Unmoveable? Would that do anything in Academy?)
- Wolf Fury (maybe an enchantment that gives Doublestrike? Or just weaker [mwcard=MW1E01]Bear Strength[/mwcard])