I have played the FM vs BM match. The conjurations are great once the BM gets some critters out, if you pop it right off the bat you are going to force a few big from him instead. Force Ring is good to Equip but I am looking at your first five opening (with some edits):
Turn1: Force Ring + Psi Orb (cast Ring first) - Force / Mana
Turn 2: Defense Ring + Force Orb / Force Sword (choose depending on matchup) - War / Force, Defense or Force
Turn 3: Galvitar + Forcefield (face down, reveal it next turn) - Force / Force
Turn 4: Scimitar + Bear Strength (face down, reveal it next turn)
Turn 5: Gauntlets of Strength + Attack
There are 4 Force Spells you are going to cast after the Ring which costs 3 Mana (and an Action) to save 4 Mana, it might be worth it if the 1 saved Mana is more valuable than the action used to cast the Force Ring.
Now once later into the game if your were to move Turns 1 and 2 in to a Post opening period it might make more sense as then you can add in your Force Crush/Holds etc into the saving mix.....
I was also considering this opening, which I posted earlier:
Turn 1: Force Ring, Defense Ring
Turn 2: Psi-Orb, Forcefield (face down)
Turn 3: Cobra Defenses, Dancing Scimitar, (flip up Forcefield)
Of course, you guys have convinced me to use Battleforge, so I don't know as of know if I like this opening. Maybe this would work better:
Turn 1: Battleforge
Turn 2: Galvitar
Turn 3: Forcefield
From there I guess I'll improvise.