Strategy and Tactics / Any way to protect a flying creature?
« on: May 08, 2018, 06:39:58 AM »
For example, Cassiel is mega fragile. I've seen her go down very quickly, sometimes as soon as very next turn after being summoned, getting hit by a huge range attack such as thunderbolt or meteor from 3 range, or an air attack that gains bonus against flying, then pushes Cassiel into arena wall for that +3 dice bash attack on top of the 4+ die rolled for the wind attack.
I thought "Oh Guardian Angel has Intercept + a Defense roll". But of course, one second later hits "Flying lose flying until not guarding at all anymore, so no Intercept on Cassiel's behalf"
Seriously, I think Cassiel is legit hindered by the Flying trait. It's way more a liability than bonus for her with her low HP and zero armor.
Ultra fragile, and an in-the-air target for everyone and their mother with no possible layers to at least get through first.
So is there anything that be done to protect fragile flyers other than stacking multiple +armors and defense enchantments on them like they're your main Aggro Mage or Aggro Buddy (but not)? Because that's a waste of actions and mana to protect something that's not front-line.
You would think a flying creature that chooses a guard action, could defend both sorts equally. Guard on ground as default, but can also guard a fellow flyer by swooping up quick for the attack.
I am close to just eating up the Spellbook Points and inserting a Main Wings curse, just to put it on Cassiel to ground her just to allow basic protection options such as Guarding with Intercept-capable creatures. Would be a better mana and action investment than Cassiel+Rhino Hide+Cobra Reflexes+Bull Endurance+more.
I thought "Oh Guardian Angel has Intercept + a Defense roll". But of course, one second later hits "Flying lose flying until not guarding at all anymore, so no Intercept on Cassiel's behalf"

Seriously, I think Cassiel is legit hindered by the Flying trait. It's way more a liability than bonus for her with her low HP and zero armor.
Ultra fragile, and an in-the-air target for everyone and their mother with no possible layers to at least get through first.
So is there anything that be done to protect fragile flyers other than stacking multiple +armors and defense enchantments on them like they're your main Aggro Mage or Aggro Buddy (but not)? Because that's a waste of actions and mana to protect something that's not front-line.
You would think a flying creature that chooses a guard action, could defend both sorts equally. Guard on ground as default, but can also guard a fellow flyer by swooping up quick for the attack.
I am close to just eating up the Spellbook Points and inserting a Main Wings curse, just to put it on Cassiel to ground her just to allow basic protection options such as Guarding with Intercept-capable creatures. Would be a better mana and action investment than Cassiel+Rhino Hide+Cobra Reflexes+Bull Endurance+more.