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Messages - aridigas

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Rules Discussion / Re: Steep Hill + wall and LoS
« on: November 16, 2017, 12:09:26 AM »
If we cross 2 zone borders, steep hill blocks our LoS. We now check our way-set and look for points that meet at least one of 4 criterias:
-its coordinates are (i,x)
-its coordinates are (i+1,x)
-its coordinates are (x,j)
-its coordinates are (x,j+1),
where x doesn't matter.
We find 0, 1 or 2 of those points.
This is how many Zone borders we cross.
0 Zone Borders: LoS doesn't cross Steep hill. Stee Hill doesn't block LoS.
1: LoS goes into the zone with Steep Hill. Steep Hill doesn't block LoS.
OR 1: LoS crosses a corner of the Steep Hill zone. WIll come to this in a second.
2: LoS crosses the Steep Hill zone and Steep Hill blocks LoS.

So, this is where I messed things up.
I totally forgot what the original question was. We want to track LoS to the Zone border itself.
The above number of points does not show hw many Zone borders we cross, it shows how many zone borders we meet. If we stop drawing the line once we meet a zone border, we stilll add one of the above points to our way-set. We do not add any points to our way-set that do belong to another zone.
What does it mean if LoS crosses passes through (that's what steep hill actually uses, sorry) a side of a zone? It means it doesn't end there. That means or way-set needs to contain points of the other zone as well.

Let's count the points again from my quote again, shall we?
0: Stays at it is. No steep hill involved.
1: Stays at it is. Both cases. While the second one still is interesting, it does not answer the original post's question.
(Steep Hill doesn' block LoS to a wall between itself and you either. )

2: Now things get a little more complicated. Finding 2 of those points does for itself not mean passing through two sides of steep hill's zone. To accomplish this you need to find points of at least three zones: Steep hill's zone and two adjacent zones.
If you pass through something, you start at one side of it and end up on the other side.
If you start or end tracking LoS at a zone border, LoS does not pass through it.
To finally answer the question:

Our way-set does not contain points from the zone "behind the wall", therefore LoS does not pass through two sides of Steep Hill's zone. This means the paladin does have LoS to all three walls.

Rules Discussion / Re: Steep Hill + wall and LoS
« on: November 15, 2017, 04:19:12 PM »
What you guys are doing here is essentially Topology 1.

Look at the Arena as a subset of R². (R = real numbers, missing the right symbol.)
Lets say, for simplicity, Arena = (0,3)x(0,4). Please not that those are open intervalls, meaning the Arena Walls do not count towards the arena. (0,0), the lower left corner of the Arena is not inside the Arena.

Each Zone is an open subset of Arena. Each zone may definied as (i,1+1)x(j,j+1) for i=0,1,2; j=0,1,2,3.
(You cant define a topology this way, because the sets we call zone borders are in none of this open subsets.)
If an object is inside a zone, it occupies a interior point of given Zone. That is a point for which a neigbourhood exists which is in the Zone as well. Take a small circle, put it around the point and stay in the zone.
Similary to the sum of 1/2+1/4+1/8+1/16+... you will find such a small circle, unless you are on the zone border. your circle will always contain points of another zone (or points outside the arena) if you're on the zone border.

Zone borders are the boundaries of the open subsets zone. They are defined by closed subsets, ix[j,j+1] or [i,i+1]xj. This is where Walls are. Please note that they are excactly 1 point wide. Or high, depending on which one you look.

Objects other than walls can only exist in Zones. They have coordinates inside the zones. In our example a creature can never have a whole number as a coordinate.

That is ... it passes through two sides of the zone before reaching the zone border. The side of the zone is the farthest point within the zone, just before the zone stops existing and the zone border is reached. At least that is my interpretation of the terms zone border and side of the zone.

(I kinda lost myself here, but I guess the quote is what I want to prove wrong. Probably. It's fun anyway.)

To me, being on one side of of a zone border is being inside a zone.
There is no closest point to the wall, as you can always find another point. (Add 1/(2^(n+1)) and get closer to 1.)

Zone borders do not contain interior points of Zones, therefore Zone borders are not inside zones.
If you draw a line from zone A to zone B, thats a set of points. You can track every single point you use on this way. If we want to see if LoS crosses two sides of a zone, we need to look at the set of points marking the way we took. We start inside a Zone and use a straight line, because that is how you check LoS.
Crossing a zone border is the same as adding a point to our way-set. Remember, zone borders are excactly one point wide. The point we add isn't inside any zone, it has a whole number as one coordinate. If you cross another zone border, you add another of those points.
Now we need to ask ourselves, does steep hill block our LoS?
Say Steep Hill is in the zone (i,i+1)x(j,j+1).  And we start tracking LoS outside this zone.
If we cross 2 zone borders, steep hill blocks our LoS. We now check our way-set and look for points that meet at least one of 4 criterias:
-its coordinates are (i,x)
-its coordinates are (i+1,x)
-its coordinates are (x,j)
-its coordinates are (x,j+1),
where x doesn't matter.
We find 0, 1 or 2 of those points.
This is how many Zone borders we cross.
0 Zone Borders: LoS doesn't cross Steep hill. Stee Hill doesn't block LoS.
1: LoS goes into the zone with Steep Hill. Steep Hill doesn't block LoS.
OR 1: LoS crosses a corner of the Steep Hill zone. WIll come to this in a second.
2: LoS crosses the Steep Hill zone and Steep Hill blocks LoS.

The corner case (see what I did here?) is the most interesting. This is what we want to know.
Let us take a close look at our way-set now. We know it contains one point on Steep  Hill zone's borders. It is (i,j); (i+1,j); (i,j+1) or (i+1,j+1).
Do you know what our way-set doesn't contain? Any point from our Steep Hill zone. Not a single one.
And this why I am saying:
Steep Hill doesn't block LoS if LoS crosses one of his zone's borders.
His effect can't be used because his zone doesn't matter in that scenario.


Anyone understood that? Not sure I did.

Rules Discussion / Re: Enchantment Transfusion VS Dispel
« on: April 20, 2017, 12:47:16 PM »
Dispel targets the enchantment not the mage.

If the enchantment stays with in casting range of the dispel the dispel should still work.

If either the caster or the target move while a spell is cast, spellcasting fails, even if range still works

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Alfiya, lazy Enforcer
« on: April 04, 2017, 05:33:26 AM »
If your tactic is so dependent on the clerics, then why not bring a few walls - and wall one off in the corner?
I don't believe that the prayer to activate Alfiya requires line of sight, or anything like that.

Plus: Alfiya is Flying.

Events / Re: ADMW Winter Special - OCTGN Tournament
« on: March 30, 2017, 02:23:44 PM »
Parkdeck and I agreed to find a date next week, as he isn't available until then.

Spells / Re: General's Signet Ring
« on: March 28, 2017, 02:33:03 AM »
Thinking about the ring too with a battle forge, but with the anvil throne warlord.  Power rune it and either hard cast orcs or go for the barracks and something cheap to get it to 2 mana per turn.  I plan on running goblin grunts and slingers, equipping the dwarf for a more attack oriented build.  Not sure when I plan on attacking yet.  I do like the power rune for an elemental wand hurl rock tho too.

You want to put Rne of Power on the ring or am I misunderstanding?
While I think this is a legal move, it wouldn't benefit you. The rune only discounts spell actions that equipment allows, like using or hanging the bound spell.
It will however increase the cost of destroying your signet ring. And i will look quite cool with some runes.

General Discussion / Re: Time Gentlemen, Please!
« on: March 28, 2017, 02:29:45 AM »
Playing it safe is just the way to go. This is a high class tournament with lots of very skilled players. You can rightfully expect anyone to have another trick up their sleeve, so you need to make sure your plan works. Why should you risk to lose the game because of an unexpected Reverse Attack or something like this?

Everyone should remind themselves that everyone is doing this voluntairly. Noone is forced to watch a 4h recording. Noone needs to concede a game the feel like they could still win. Even our judges (who organzie, record and run this tournament in their free time!) can say: Alright guy, I know this isn't cool, but this game took too long for me, I have responsibilities (or even more fun things to do), please continue without a judge and report the score afterwards.
It's a game and it's supposed to be fun. If it stops being fun to you after 3h, do something else for the remaining 90 minutes.

I think untimed Mage Wars is the best Mage Wars.
See Keejchen - Aridigas in the Ro8. If the game was called after 75 minutes, Keejchen would have won without a doubt. After 2h 15, it looked better for me. I managed to make a comeback and put pressure on him. But after 3h 15, my Warlock ate the arena dust. I don't think conceding would have been the right choice for anyone at any time.

Events / Re: ADMW Winter Special - Betting game
« on: March 08, 2017, 04:36:56 AM »
Winning fun is just my game!
As is winning, so...

Keejchen - aridigas: aridigas
parkdeck vs. theasaris:    theasaris
schneeente vs. sharkbait: sharkbait
jacksmack vs. powlich:     jacksmack

People talk about me! I'm internet famous now!

Things I said in that video (or migh say in future videos) have been harsh, but nothing was meant as an insult to the player itself. Yo're not a bad player of a bad person for making plays I don't agree with or describe as wrong.
It's solely my opinion, you're free to disagree with it.

Spells / Re: Eye of Bael shenanigans
« on: February 26, 2017, 03:38:55 AM »
Warlock puts Eye of Beal on Wizard.
Wizard summons a bunch of demons.
Warlock cries.

Rules Discussion / Re: Revealing an Enchantment during upkeep?
« on: February 25, 2017, 12:39:19 AM »
You can reveal during upkeep

I like to do this with goul rot and arcane corruption :)

Those enchantments cannot be revealed during upkeep. But you can do so right before upkeep.

Biblofilter seems to be right. You can absolutely reveal enchantments between the steps of pillar attacks.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Johktari - does she really like hunting?
« on: February 21, 2017, 01:01:21 AM »
I just played a super fun and surprisingly effective jbm. 2 lesser teleports put you on or adjacent to your foe round one. Drop roused grizzly round 2,drop roused timber wolf round3. Puts the heat on fast! So far is 50 50 for success but it's only had 2 matches. So much fun!

Hell of a surprise! You have to go into the damage race round 2 or go home destroyed.

Events / Re: ADMW Winter Special - OCTGN Tournament
« on: February 20, 2017, 04:09:07 AM »
Aridigas' Straywood beat RomeoXero's Johktari Beastmaster in a close, fast, awesome match to the death.

If RomeoXero manages to defeat drmambo in his last game, we're looking at a 3-way tie in group B. Romeo beat Shark, Shark beat me and I beat Romeo. Any idea on how to solve this?

Events / Re: ADMW Winter Special - OCTGN Tournament
« on: February 19, 2017, 04:34:21 AM »
Today, ~7/7:30 pm EST, 1/1:30 am CET:
romeoxero vs. aridigas

General Discussion / Re: Force Push art
« on: January 27, 2017, 04:56:18 AM »
Print it out then sleeve it.

That's cheating!

Glue the new art on an actual Force Push?

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