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Messages - aridigas

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Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Incorporeal Wizard Build (Air)
« on: October 21, 2015, 01:13:49 PM »
I don't know why you are running 6 Jet Streams, but if you do, you may want to include some Walls of Thornes, so you can push them through.
You do have Hawkeye, Elemental Wand and a Tower, but you only run some attack spells, that don't dish out enough damage. Maybe add Hurl Rock/Boulder or a Fireball to throw some dice.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Backup Battleforge
« on: October 21, 2015, 05:40:45 AM »
I often use my Battleforge to generate actions. You use one action to cast it, but get at least one or two deploys out of it. Meanwhile your oponent needs at least two actions to destroy it, unless he oneshots it with Force Hammer or Surging Wave. That's 3-4 actions you can use more than your oponent. If the Forge is destroyed after that, it served its purpose.

Mages / Re: Top-Tier viable mages?
« on: October 19, 2015, 08:20:19 AM »
Luckily Forcefield can only target a FM, so that wouldn't be as bad.
Most Mage only cards require other cards to function properly. Spawnpoints and discount rings for example. Most of them will be out of school, if the main cards is as well. FM with Lair will still have to invest in animals at triple cost to make it work.

But I'm sure a lot of mages would love Galvitar, especially in Domination

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Adremelech Burn Build
« on: October 14, 2015, 10:54:48 AM »
You might get trouble with Wall of Earth. Currently your only ways to get past one are Acid Ball on an Elemental Wand and the Grey Wrath. If you get walled in, it takes you some time to get out. You could go for Eagleclaw Boots, the already mentioned Dark Pact Slayer or something like a Force Hammer.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Aggressive armor? Let me explain.
« on: October 13, 2015, 04:32:25 AM »
A spwanpoint still casts a spell, so it goes through the 3 steps of casting a spell. You can reveal Blur after the Cast Spell step.

Off topic / Re: I need help naming a tournament.
« on: September 10, 2015, 01:02:07 PM »
First thing that came to my mind was something like "The Elevator", as you try to take them to a higher level.
Some other names that might or might not be complete useless: Newborn Masters, Training Day, To be continued, Don't pay to win.

I once (like last week) lost a game because of a mindgame I played with myself. My opponent was almost dead and I prepared a Boulder and Seeking Dispel instead of Surging Wave or something unavoidable. He enchanted himself while having initiative and I decided to wait with my boulder.
He walled himself in and won the game after several rounds. Turns out he enchanted a Rhino Hide, not Reverse Attack.
If I threw that Boulder during Quickcast, I almost certainly would have won the game.

So, for me there are mindgames with enchantments.

Events / Re: OCTGN Challenge Boards: WIN PRIZES. MageRoars League
« on: September 09, 2015, 12:21:26 PM »
This is a great idea, already signed up!

General Discussion / Re: How to pronounce Slavörg
« on: August 25, 2015, 04:34:26 AM »
I have a vague memory from when I studdy German that the Umlauts weren't a part of the proper alphabet, but some kind of add-on. Maybe someone can correct my memory if it is wrong.  8)

Well, that's true. Our alphabet goes from A to Z, like the english one. But we do have 4 more letters: The beforementioned Umlaute ä, ö, ü and our ß.
ä, ö and ü are variations of a, o and u, you get them by adding an e to the letter. So instead of writing ae, you use ä. In crossword puzzles it goes the other way, if the answer is Öl (oil), you spell it Oel.

And we have our ß. It's called SZ or sharp s. We use it instead of ss sometimes. (In my opinion ß is totally useless and should be replaced by ss in any word.)
Fun Fact: ß is the only german letter that doesn't have a capital form. When using capslock on the internet, you have to replace it by ss or the word looks really silly. FUß or FUSS? Both are feet, but I don't like the way one of them looks.
Our keyboards use Shift + ß for the question mark. Did you knowß

Spells / Re: Inclusion of Force Hammer
« on: August 20, 2015, 10:05:52 AM »
You have a very valid point there. Seems like it comes down to personal preference. And that's awesome! You can't just say that one card is better than another, because both of them have situation in which they outclass each other.

Spells / Re: Inclusion of Force Hammer
« on: August 20, 2015, 09:25:09 AM »
Maybe it's because I played too much Forcemaster during the last weeks, but I never lack any ethereal attacks.
Yep, it's absolutely the Forcemaster's fault. Galvitar, Invisible Fist, Stalker...
Force Hammer can do what a Boulder does almost as good as a boulder. And a Boulder does what a Hammer does almost as good a Hammer. Because of that the 1 mana difference seals the deal for me

Spells / Re: Inclusion of Force Hammer
« on: August 20, 2015, 05:09:37 AM »
I'm not quite sold on Force Hammer. There are some books that I include one or even two, but mostly in Forcemaster-books. For the same amount of spellbookpoints (or even less) I can include a Hurl Boulder, which has the same Slam-chance, but one die more against creatures. It has one fewer die against conjurations, but I believe that a Force Hammer always comes short against conjurations that really matter. 8 dice of damage versus a Wizard's Tower? That's 7 health and 3 armor. Probably won't kill it. I just wasted 9 mana and 7 dice on the enemy mage. Battleforge? 6 crits on 8 dice? May work. But it could not work as well. When it's really important to bring a Battleforge down, I'd rather use 2 Geysers for 8 mana and 12 dice. They'll probably give me my 6 crits.
(Disclaimer: Maybe I need to sacrifice some dices to Akiro.)

Force Hammer is ethereal, but gets his 2 bonus dice only against corporeal conjurations. Maybe it's better to just cast 2 Invisible Fists against something incorporeal. That's not too action efficient, but if you don't want to spend 2 actions on that threat, it probably isn't dangerous enough. You're better off ignoring it.

But when you manage to kill off an important conjuration with just one Force Hammer, it may grant you a HUGE advantage, that's right.

Quote from: Rules P.16
Most conjurations target a zone, and are attached to that zone. When you cast one of these spells, place the conjuration face up in the target zone. A zone may never have multiple conjurations with the same name attached to it.

Nope, just one orchid per zone. You may have several tanglevines in one zone, as they are attached to creatures, not zones. But each creature may only have one tanglevine on them. It would be allowed to put a tanglevine and a strangevine on one creature though...

A zone cannot have multiple conjurations with the same name attached to it. Same thing with creatures and enchantments.

General Discussion / Re: Necromancer Collectors Set
« on: August 17, 2015, 11:25:19 AM »
One major thing to remember is that most mage wars players here in Europe play the English version, so that is no problem release vise. It is only none-fan players in Germany, France and somewhat Spain who are lazy and can't (or don't have the skill, which I doubt) play with English cards. So if those versions have different release schedule than the English one I will just welcome it. I'm not a fan of having resources taken form new developments in favour of translation cost and time.

You'd have to import the english versions to play with them. I personally don't know about someone selling english Mage Wars sets in Germany. At least not in big stocks.

Personally I'd rather play with german cards though. They have the same language as my other german cards and (that's the main part) are allowed at german tournaments. Most major events I know about and most local groups I've been to only allow cards that have been released in a german set already. So if you want to attend tournaments or organized plays you're restricted to those cards. I could imagine this is a major point when you decide to buy an english set or not.

Don't think it's fair to say that people who don't buy english sets are lazy or not fans. There are a couple of reasons to wait for releases i your own language.

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