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Messages - Stormmaster

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Strategy and Tactics / Re: It's all about spell points!
« on: September 11, 2013, 08:55:54 AM »
Thanks Charmyna.  Since Wizard is my favorite Mage if you are accepting apprentices Wizards to learn from your sagely wisdom I'd like to sign up!  :D
You are accepted as my apprentice. Go out and collect some mana flowers!

Stormmaster bows deeply to his mentor Charmyna and says "You won't regret your decision to take me on master.  As I grow in power it will be a true testament to your mentoring and continue to build your legacy."  The young apprentice Stormmaster grabs a pouch, dons his Elemental Cloak and races off to the forest near Charmyna's keep to gather Mana Flowers for his master.  As Stormmaster gathers Mana Flowers he ponders his master's words on spell points and devises clever new ideas for his own spell books, eagerly awaiting his next lesson from Charmyna.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Divine Vampire Spell Book
« on: September 11, 2013, 08:35:09 AM »
Thanks so much for the advice!  I made a couple tweaks based on what you suggested sdougla2 and it worked great.

It felt weird having no temples no clerics etc etc, but never needed them.
Although I never needed the Knights of Westlock I added either (but that was OK, good back up just in case).

I put the vampire in their face on turn 2
turn 2 did 5 dice damage to mage
they hurled a boulder at her and got a spectacular roll and almost killed her in 1 hit
turn 3 did 7 dice damage to mage w vampire (she used vampiric to partially heal)
by this time I went in range to support her, gave her a quick heal, put a reverse attack on her, let her do the heavy lifting and since I was now in range of the enemy mage and they were focused on the vampire killing them (and ignoring me) I tossed 3 pillar of lights in a row, daze/stun/dead

All in all the entire game was done in under 10 rounds, I never took 1 point of damage, and never put on a single piece of armor or equip.  So just wanted to say thanks for the advice was a nice success.  :D

Would it be possible to update conditions reference sheet available on website to include also conditions from expansions? Current available version includes only ones from core set.

Additionally I think it would be great if codex updated with information from expansions was also available separately form rulebook as printer friendly quick reference guide. This would make searching for data much easier.

yes please I agree

Player Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Flat damage.
« on: September 11, 2013, 08:25:29 AM »
Instead of Mage Wars is this Math Wars?  :P

Strategy and Tactics / Re: It's all about spell points!
« on: September 11, 2013, 08:09:05 AM »
Thanks Charmyna.  Since Wizard is my favorite Mage if you are accepting apprentices Wizards to learn from your sagely wisdom I'd like to sign up!  :D

Strategy and Tactics / Re: It's all about spell points!
« on: September 11, 2013, 07:36:58 AM »
I absolutely LOVE reading all your write ups Charmyna.  Helps us newbies learn a lot.  Wizard is without a doubt my favorite Mage (so much versatility and different ways you can play it, so they don't get stale).

Charm where do you spread your points, what is your spell book balance?
60% creatures 20% spells 20% equip/other ???  40% 40% 20%???  Other?
When you are deciding between a 3 point nuke or a 3 point creature which wins out for you? etc

Increasing Power vs Increasing Versatility
I think the spell point system is what makes this game deep and engaging. 
Do you go really heavily in your school and splash a couple needed utility cards from the others? 
Do you go purely into your school so you maximize spell points?
Do you spread your points for all your favorite cards from all schools and limit spell points?
Do you go creature heavy, attack spell, incantation etc.
---I'm guessing (correct me if I'm wrong here please but 'longer term' end game you are better off adding a couple extra creatures than a couple extra spells?) 

That is the hardest part I have is deciding between some creatures and some nukes.  I generally favor things that last a long time or at least multiple rounds.  Which is why I use more creatures than I do spells (although I of course put some spells in, but only a handful).  Mage wands as you said are great for that, although not having the mage wand dispelled has been an ongoing dilema of mine.  I usually just save them for later game when resources of the other mage are getting depleted or they have more to worry about than my wand like a Vampire in their face.

General Discussion / Re: Druid vs Necro Spoilers
« on: September 11, 2013, 07:08:34 AM »
Actually that is the more important question, I was wondering that too.

General Discussion / Re: Druid vs Necro Spoilers
« on: September 11, 2013, 06:50:53 AM »
When that 'adult' emerges from the dead host is that another card, a condition token, or what is representing the new adult? 

General Discussion / Re: Druid vs Necro Spoilers
« on: September 10, 2013, 10:04:53 PM »
yep every spoiler just makes me want it more.

Already pre-ordered 2 copies, ready to go!

The trait and abilities list looks pretty cool.  Some unique, different stuff.

I still hope they release a copy of a sheet with all the traits/abilities/conditions when it comes out instead of just a list of the new ones added like they did with Forcemaster vs Warlord.  We shall see...

Player Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Core pack of guts
« on: September 10, 2013, 01:31:42 PM »
Oh I'd TOTALLY buy extra effect indicators.  Pretty much every single game I run out of Weakness markers right away and have to get creative on ways to mark additional ones.

I always run 2 Gorgon Archers so that if something with melee gets near me it is usually only rolling 1-2 melee dice.  When you are putting on 1-4 weak counters per turn they run out fast!  >:(

Rules Discussion / Re: DvN ruels questions
« on: September 10, 2013, 12:07:55 PM »
When you kill something and turn it into a zombie when it comes under your control does it retain any of the enchantments that your opponent put on it or does it lose enchantments when it dies?

So like if you fight a Grizzly and it is beefed up with Bear Strength, Rhino Hide etc etc, even though it isn't your Bear Strength can you still use it?  I presume if it has regrowth enchantment on the newly reanimated Grizzly Zombie can't use that, but all other enchants are fair game and stay on?

General Discussion / Re: Druid vs Necro Spoilers
« on: September 10, 2013, 11:54:42 AM »
He should be so unstable that he might randomly attack any target in his range (possibly including friendly targets).  Kind of like a mindless zombie that will attack anything.  Not suggesting for real just kind of playing with fun options.

They should have a mind attack or enchant spell like Berzerk that has that effect, the targeted creature would randomly attack any target in range.  - ok that is off topic sorry

General Discussion / Re: Druid vs Necro Spoilers
« on: September 09, 2013, 08:08:48 PM »
He looks pretty cool.  Ranged that works in your zone is kind of nice.  Although I'm not sure if it is better to have ranged 0-1 or 1-2.  I like having 2 range but sucks when they get into your zone then.

Acid attacks look fun and corrode.

I don't suppose water attacks can wash away acid/corrode like it can extinguish burns?

Rules Discussion / Re: Immunity
« on: September 09, 2013, 12:16:04 PM »
Would be kind of cool if water spells healed plants.  Instead of Hydro immune, Hydro benefit.  Not seriously suggesting they do or change anything just random musings.

once the siren hits that would make the water school broken

Because the siren is going to have lots of plants to water and give benefits to?  Or because there will be more water school spells coming out with her?  I think if anything it would make the Druid 'broken'.

General Discussion / Re: How would MW look in real life
« on: September 09, 2013, 12:13:09 PM »
It would be kind of fun to have a mock version of this game that you could play "for real".  I can't think of the name of it but there is something like Hero's Quest or something like that.

When I did it you buy a wand and as you point at or do different "quests" it interacts with you and there are creatures, etc etc you try to kill and you walk around a space sectioned off in rooms etc.  No it isn't "real life" it is play but being IN the Mage Wars arena even a mock would be kind of a fun idea.

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