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Author Topic: List Your Favorite Mages  (Read 21419 times)


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List Your Favorite Mages
« on: March 27, 2013, 11:58:53 PM »
List your mages from most favorite to least favorite. Here is my list:

1) Warlord
2) Wizard
3) Priestess
4) Beastmaster
5) Warlock
6) Forcemaster

I absolutely hate the Forcemaster. I have been successful with every mage except for her. In my opinion, she is the weakest of all the mages. She has almost no attacking options, and if she is playing against a Beastmaster or Warlord (who knows anything about what they are doing) she will lose every time.

I like the Warlock, but I find that his spawnpoint leaves much to be desired. He has a couple of solid creatures, and though his fire spells are cool, I would take lightning over fire anyday; daze and stun are far more annoying than burn conditions.

I like the Beastmaster because there is nothing very complicated about him. You just summon a lot of creatures and keep them buffed up. Fun and simple.

The Priestess is VERY powerful. Her defenses are hard to crack, she has tons of healing options, and a few of her creatures are very powerful. I like her a lot.

The Wizard was my favorite before the Warlord came out. He feels very dynamic. He has great offensive capabilities, such as his powerful lightning spells (thunderbolt especially), but decent defensive capabilities too. He also has a lot of "trickery" cards, as I like to call them.

The Warlord is my favorite just because I like almost all of his cards. His creatures are dynamic and useful, he can catch his opponents off guard very easily, and there a lot of cool combos he has between his Horn of Gothos and his Helm of Command.

So... what is your list? No offense to any Forcemaster aficionados, but I absolutely despise the Forcemaster in almost every single way.
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Re: List Your Favorite Mages
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2013, 12:27:27 AM »
Tough choice?? I like all of them.

Beast Master - just too good
Wizard - very good overall - I like his specialty build (Mana Supression)
Priest - I like playing the Angels (mass Grey Angels) + Temple of Asyra (with clerics)
Warlock - lots of specialty build with curses and demons (with burns)

I ranked them based on how many times I played them or succeeded in winning with them (win streak).

Recently I have been playing the Warlord to see if I can perfect a build for him (I play him almost every other day).
It seems like he is the weakest of them all due to 3X cost for arcane spells (unfortunately all utility spells are arcane - nullify, dispel, mana crystals and others). His familiar does not channel. His weapon is too pricey for sweep that takes both hands and does not hit flying. He has the same strategy as the Beast Master except that the Beast Master has it easier (ex: quick cast to call a level 1 animal + lair is 14 with 2 channeling versus Barracks + tower at 16).

Well Forcemaster also is 3X for Arcane but they build so many force spell cards that he does not need a lot of Arcane spells (with the help of Thoughtspores) or other cards.


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Re: List Your Favorite Mages
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2013, 12:30:09 AM »
For me its weird because I like certain schools moreso than the mages themselves.

Like, Im really looking forward to Paladin, because I like Holy as a school but not quite as fond of the Priestess's ability set (not that they arent strong)

Warlock is what I play most, but mainly because I like Dark.  When Necromancer comes out I might focus on him more just because he has access to the school.

Same deal with Wizard.  I like the arcane creature stable and teleports and stuff, but his Voltaric Shield and Zap with a lower health total dont make for an appealing mage to me.

So for me favorite mages and favorite schools are two very different things, and right now I only like certain mages because they have certain schools.. but would be less fond of them if there was other options.


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Re: List Your Favorite Mages
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2013, 12:35:04 AM »
1.Any mage but the warlock
2.Any mage but the warlock

Really, I like the Priestess alot, Wizard, and the ForceMaster.
I love the Wizards spawn point, and the Gorgon Archers, and all the meta cards you can fit in.
The Priestess I like alot too with the temples, and most of her creatures are good.
ForceMaster......my answer to the solo warlock.He wont play much Mana Control, I can force hold him and knock down battle forge, I will use force hold, have a her familiars spell bind- desolve, dispel, and just rip him apart. Wands dont go well in my meta, they will be desolved right away, but there isnt much you can do about a spell bound creature when you are being force held. And if he summons a creature....Mind control.
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Re: List Your Favorite Mages
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2013, 12:59:17 AM »
1. Beastmaster (until Druid will appear) - sentiment - when I started my adventure with general fantasy games, I always prefer nature related characters. I like the combination of wisdom and brute force.
2. Warlord - for the brute force part :P
3. Wizard - for wisdom part - also I find this character the most chalenging in terms of strategy - and I like chalenges.
4. Forcemaster - look below
5. Warlock - I simply do not like this theme.
6. Priestess - I don't like this theme even more :P

EDIT (as I was in hurry to the workplace)
I find theme more important to me than playstyle, when deciding which mage to play, as I like every playstyle :P For gameplay reason, I think every single mage is very interesting.

And for mages that are not realesed yet, here are my predictions:
0.5 Druid - she will be my number one - I am certain of that.
1.5 Necromancer - I enjoy this theme almost as much as nature ;)
2.5 Illusionist - I think I will like him more than Wizzard, but not sure.
5.5 Paladin - welkome to my "I don't like this theme" group :P
6.5 Sorcerer - if Sorcerer will be walking artyllery like in D&D, I think there is nothing to like :P
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Re: List Your Favorite Mages
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2013, 01:41:45 AM »
I suspect my list will change as we get new cards but for the moment it goes something like this.

1.  Wizard - He just fits my play style. Plus I like the choice of an elemental school. It's easy to build 3 wizards that feel different, that will go up to 4 when we get more water spells.

2.  Priestess - she fits my play style second best after the wizard. Like the temples, angels, and Knights of Westlock.

3.  Forcemaster - She doesn't fit my play style, but I find her challenging to play. I like her unique feel.

4.  Warlord - I haven't played him much, but I get the sense I could learn to like him.

5.  Beastmaster - I want to like him him more, really! He just doesn't fit my favorite play style well.

6.  Warlock - I like his theme least of all. He doesn't fit my play style well, although I do want to build a control version of him. Maybe I'll like him better if that works out for me.


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Re: List Your Favorite Mages
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2013, 03:41:15 AM »
1. Beastmaster: I really like Quick Summoning, which allows the BM to summon even while he's doing beatdown, and I don't need to play a spawnpoint to do it. Quick Summoning makes the BM the most flexible in terms of his turns, and I really like the ability to be free form with my turns. I like his access to strong enchantment buffs, mobile creatures that are easy to buff, and his strong beatdown option. I really like Fellella, although I don't always bring her out.

2. Wizard: I really like how well the Wizard can play control and midrange strategies. Right now I have an Earth Wizard build, but once I get more cards I plan to have 1 of each element (well, this will be after they flesh out the water school). Huginn is awesome for position control, and I like having easy access to attack spells. I like having Voltaric Shield as a defensive option. I enjoy running mana denial strategies, although that's not all I do with him by any means.

3. Priestess: The Priestess has such strong control options. I like the ability to stack so many daze/stun chances, and give myself defenses with rerolls. I use a temple plan, but I don't drop temples right away, I open with at least one creature, then transition into temples and/or beatdown. Staff of Asyra is amazing.

4. Warlock: I really like dark creatures, and I like the idea of curses and fire spells, it's just that I feel like whenever I play a Warlock my mana is a problem. When I'm playing the other 3 original mages, I have a sense of having good options at various mana prices, and my play feels relatively smooth. For whatever reason, the Warlock doesn't feel as smooth to me, it feels choppy and awkward. I think that I need to just play several more games with the Warlock to get a better handle on how to play him effectively (not that I lose when I play the Warlock, it just feels more awkward).

5. Forcemaster: I've played a bit with the FM, and I think I'll start liking her more once I've played with Thoughtspores. She has some awesome control and beatdown options, but I need to play more games with her before I can really evaluate how much I like her. So far I've liked her okay, but I think the reason I like all of the original mages more is just that I've explored them more.

6. Warlord: I just don't like the Warlord. I haven't played him yet, but I've thought a bit about spell book options for him, and I've played a couple games against him. The cost of position control options combined with his need to use full action attacks and specific positioning for bonuses make me dislike him. Fortified Position and Standard Bearer rely on having things positioned just right, and his main advantages compared to the BM require full actions (sweeping and ranged attacks). Whenever I think about playing him I feel like I'm picking up a neutered BM with earth attack spells thrown on top. This will hopefully change when I figure out a good strategy for him, but so far I just haven't liked him.
  • Favourite Mage: Straywood Beastmaster


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Re: List Your Favorite Mages
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2013, 07:39:57 AM »
In 6th place: Forcemaster.  I strongly dislike obviously powerful effects, and to me, many of her cards are super strong (clearly unlike the OP :)).  I also don't really think you can do much different with the Forcemaster - most FM books will be largely the same.

In 5th place: The Priestess.  I think her Temple 'bolt on' (4 cards - 1x Temple of Light and 3x Hand of Bim Shalla) can easily fit into any Priestess build (and usually does), and it's a pain in the rear to deal with.  Plus, I really hate all the heals...  Last game against her I played she did around 30 dice of healing.  30!  Makes the game longer, makes you die a little inside.

In 4th place: The Beastmaster. I do like the Beastmaster, really, but I just prefer the other 3 over him.  However, I would like him to get some more level 1 creatures to add a little diversity.  All in all though, I like the *feel* you get when playing him though, as well as a lot of his cards.

In 3rd place: The Warlock.  I love dark spells and undead and demons, always have.  I love fireballs and other vulgar magic, so the Warlock is a natural fit for me.  I have a feeling when his spell pool gets expanded, this guy is gonna rise in the ranks... Also, he  a better ability for me would be better too - maybe the alternate...

In 2nd place: The Warlord.  A new entry for me, having recently only just played him, but I love his toys, the feeling of making a 'fort' with walls and outposts, and he has some cool creatures.  Replaced the Beastmaster for me at scratching that swarm itch.

in 1st place. The Wizard.  What can I say - versatile, awesome innate abilities, the complete package.  Voltaic shield is crazy good, cheap access to all those arcane spells (and HUGE arcane creatures - not to mention an AWESOME familiar), and the adaptability to use any element keeping spell book construction fresh (as well as keeping him feeling fresh himself), he's an easy winner for me.  I expect this to only get better too as the elemental schools get rounded out and water magic sees some love.


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Re: List Your Favorite Mages
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2013, 08:16:50 AM »
1. Beastmistress- I love her versatility and speed!  She can hang back and buff up her forest, or she's not afraid to rush up attacking naked with +4 swings and 36 HP!  I like the Lair's stability for a conjuration and the extra card per turn synergizes so well with all her builds!  From the well balanced wolf, to the speedy foxes, to her familiar, to the huge bear, to my favorite bird in the game!...  Her critters are my favorite and fun to play.  I never feel locked into a single gameplan with her.  She's the best, IMO, at adaptation.

2. Warlock-  A ton of fun to play!  This is more what the Forcemaster should've been...  not completely creatureless, but balanced.  I like having extremely fast AND slow options in the same build.  He can stack himself into a house against campers, or rush in with Adrammelbuddy against swarms.  His weapon has reach, and fire spells to the most damage (with burn) in the game.  (not to mention a 30 attack game finisher from the Werewolf makes you feel all warm and fuzzy...)

3. Wizard- The wizard was a lot more fun before Forcemaster was released, but now even my Air and Fire Wizards are Earth School, lol!  Again, I like the speed and versatility or rushing in with Huginn and spells, or ranching with the Gate.  Teleporting Hydras is fun!

4. Warlord- I like the Warlord's playstyle.  Right now, he's challenging.  Soldiers are cool, but it's annoying to know that other mages could do whatever he does, but better.  Triple arcane really limits the spellbook versatility.  In my opinion, he doesn't need more equipment, but better "Warlord Only" buffs to his soldiers.  That's what makes his swarming unique.  Beastmaster can swarm faster, but Warlord should be able to buff more.  He's a commander, not a fighter.

5. Priestess- Meh.  Too defensive for my taste.  I feel she's too predictable and cannot effectively react to opponent's strategies on the fly.  I haven't played her much, and she does have some powerful aspects, just not my style.

6. Forcemaster- The game would be better off without her.  Seriously.  Her glaring weaknesses need to be compensated by overpowered items to make her playable.  Games with her OR against her are lopsided...  she's either terrible or overwhelming.  It really bugs me that every spellbook stands no chance against her until it's modified to her meta...  and then she stands no chance against them!  Games without the Forcemaster involve so much more zone strategy, tempo, dice, plan adaptation, and reacting to your opponent's moves effectively.

Great topic!  I enjoyed reading everyone's thoughts above!


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Re: List Your Favorite Mages
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2013, 01:24:13 PM »
My current thoughts below (that seem to change almost weekly at the min!). I've not played much with the two new mages yet so ratings might change after more games and for info 6th, 5th place doesn't mean I hate them like others, in fact I think all the mages have merits and a place in the game but I digress and currently.... laydees and gemman.... we have *drumroll* :

6th place - Warlord
I feel dead guilty about this as I think he's a fun mage and my good friend (Sausageman on here) has shown me the theoretical power of a ranged Barracks/Deadeye/Horn opener followed by 2-3 turns of defensive fort-building but I've yet to see or think of more than 2-3 *good* books with him so very limited IMO. He also has some big-ass holes in his defence if you ask me and aside from very generic defence strategies, is weak to fast beatdown and has that grim triple-cost Arcane weakness. Not my style. I like Arcane spells.

5th place - Forcemaster
I don't love/hate this lady as much as many other seem to but do have some comments. I think some of her cards and in general her main 1-2 books are both very obvious and not much of a challenge or fun to build. I also think that she has really shaken up the game and perhaps that the VERY easy combo of Forcefield, Galvitar and her innate abilities *is* too powerful as things stand currently. I can't think of any other cheap,durable and effective combo that attacks, defends and nullifies so many staple strategies in the game at the moment. As I said, I think her powerful books (tbh the only ones I'm interested in  B) )  map themselves out for you, so bookbuilding-wise she presents almost zero challenge. That doesn't appeal. All that said I do think she has a place in the game and that she isn't quite as broken as some people think.

4th place... just outside of the medals we have - Priestess
Again, pains me to put this chick in 4th but I like getting nifty ideas and then exploiting them and her 'best' books build themselves; sadly I don't think she has much versatility. Saying that, her Temple module IS strong like bull, I really rate most of her mid-range creatures and she has massive control options with daze/stun as others have mentioned. Lack of extra 'actions' in a Familiar, a crap 'Lair' and other ways to cast is also a real issue for me and while I am sometimes a 60/40 defensive player, the challenge of getting Priestess to win regularly with the saaaaame book could get old.

3rd place, with the Bronze medal it's - Beastmaster
After getting to a new stage of bookbuilding in the last month or so, I have renewed respect for the old BM and think he has a lot more potential than just MW - easy and lite mode. Shockingly efficient and fast with a swarm, a number of effective strategies and tactics to muck about with and exploit he rates highly for me. Your opponent better be prepared for a swarm and lots incoming or they are gunna be on their backs and not in a good way! Pick your flavour of (admittedly limited at the moment) creatures and Lair up, build a beatdown module or go hands off and buff your buddies and you have a fun-to-play book that if played well, is hard to beat and not a drag to play.

In the runner up position we have - Mr Warlock! Yay!
1st and 2nd were a real struggle for me. The fact that the Warlock has a fair number of poor cards nudges him down to 2nd though. That said, I do love the speed and potential for beatdown, curse and mild defence he has and like the fact that he has easy access to a lot of things that are in the mid-high level of 'things that have to be dealt with or I am going to dieTM'. As has been well documented for sometime, a big creature, a strong curse or two and mage melee coming at you is not very funny. At all. That lot added to the fact that being evil is cool kids! and the Warlock encouraging you to play an offensive and proactive game and he's a solid #2 for me... hopefully a future title holder with new spells and better abilities please - not a fan of his existing ones much at all. Compare to Forcemaster... wtf?

Aaaaaannnd the gold goes to ... of course, the Wizard
From day one my favourite and remains so. He's versatile, fun, mobile, tactical and strong, all words I like a lot and would associate with the Wizard. His balanced abilities and access to great options all through the game, coupled with solid counters to most strategies and common books make me smile. Options in bookbuilding are a joy; Slow creatures a weakness? Use Wand/Port. Worried about offence? Use your Shield and layer armour, regen and a defence on him and feel a lot safer. I've also always enjoyed disrupting the tempo, tactics and flow of others' games as a tactic of my own and this mage makes it hard not to do that well with full access to the duffle bag of Arcane tricks. The Wizard also has some great creatures that are there to plug specific gaps in defence and a mean, counterstriking, triple-headed bodyguard if you want to build that in.
No one has really talked about the mind games that happen in a game of MW either and this gent helps you with that side of things too IMO. Getting a small, competitive edge in a tourney could be as simple as disrupting enemy's flow with a Jinx and stopping/melting his spells with Nullifies and Dispels, the Wizard has the space and versatility to try those things in quite high numbers, not just 1-2 cards here and there.
If anything, I'd say the only glaring weakness he has for me is that it can be tempting to put all his tools in and forget to keep your eye on the prize; you only win by killing the opposing mage after all. Keep that in mind and make your wizard book as offensive as possible and you'll have options, fun and a good chance of winning.


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Re: List Your Favorite Mages
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2013, 08:30:11 PM »
Understandably, the Wizard is getting lots of love. He was my initial favorite from the original 4. Glad to see I am not the only one who can't stand to play as the Warlock or Forcemaster. Sorry, I like to have creatures. I feel vulnerable with only 1 or 2 creatures out. And yes, even though I love the Warlord, I will admit that his x3 for arcane spells is very annoying. I can see why that alone would deter people from playing as him. Arcane spells are extremely useful, which also explains why the Wizard is so popular. The Wizard, for me, is the near perfect balance of defense and offense. Voltaric Shield and Thunderbolt, anyone?
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Re: List Your Favorite Mages
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2013, 08:58:50 PM »
Quote from: "MrSaucy" post=10025
Understandably, the Wizard is getting lots of love. He was my initial favorite from the original 4. Glad to see I am not the only one who can't stand to play as the Warlock or Forcemaster. Sorry, I like to have creatures. I feel vulnerable with only 1 or 2 creatures out. And yes, even though I love the Warlord, I will admit that his x3 for arcane spells is very annoying. I can see why that alone would deter people from playing as him. Arcane spells are extremely useful, which also explains why the Wizard is so popular. The Wizard, for me, is the near perfect balance of defense and offense. Voltaric Shield and Thunderbolt, anyone?

Sure the wizard is balanced, but don't underestimate the enjoyment gotten from the freedom of picking an elemental school to specialize in. While all of the mages can have spellbooks with a different focus, the wizard best lends himself to good builds that feel different from one another. My biggest want from Arcane Wonders at the moment is more water spells, especially some damage dealing frost spells.


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Re: List Your Favorite Mages
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2013, 12:03:42 AM »
Who can guess my list in order?
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Re: List Your Favorite Mages
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2013, 12:40:05 AM »
Quote from: "Shad0w" post=10030
Who can guess my list in order?

1.  Forcemaster
2.  Beastmaster
3.  Warlock
4.  Warlord
5.  Wizard
6.  Priestess

What do I win?


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Re: List Your Favorite Mages
« Reply #14 on: March 29, 2013, 05:18:45 AM »
1. Warlock
2. Forcemaster
3. Beastmaster
4. Warlord
5. Priestess
6. Wizard

I like mages that can be self-reliant when they need to be, as you can tell from my preference list.  That said, I pretty much always have an escorting Thoughtspore or Dark Pact Slayer.
  • Favourite Mage: Arraxian Crown Warlock