If a creature is hindered, does that fact stay with them through the rest of their action no matter what, or can that later be negated?
For example:
1) Suppose I have a non-flying creature (with hidden enchantments) and there are enemy non-pest, non-flyers everywhere. I activate the creature and move it one square, it should now be hindered. If, at this point, I reveal an "eagle wings" or "mongoose agility" enchantment on the creature, is it now free to move a second space, since flyers and elusive creatures are not hindered by ground creatures?
If the answer to the above is, "Nope, still hindered" then I have a follow up question:
2) If a naturally flying creature is guarding in a space with a non-flying enemy. Will it be hindered when it takes its next action? That is, does the guard trait (that is removing its flying ability) disappear before the creature starts its turn? Or is it removed right afterwards, implying that the flyer is still hindered from having started its turn on the ground?