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Author Topic: War Spells (Part 3) - Just the Traps!  (Read 6856 times)


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War Spells (Part 3) - Just the Traps!
« on: February 28, 2013, 02:49:52 PM »
Again...apologies for basic editing and rules mistakes. I'm doing this at work and away from my source matierials:

Invisible Caltrops Trap
Casting Cost:3/2
School: Force1 or War 1
Range: 0-1
Target: 1 Target Square unooccupied by an enemy creature or Mage.

This trap activates as soon as a non-flying creature enters the sqaure it is in.

Target creature takes 1 Point of Direct Damage, and is now Slow (or it loses the Fast ability)
until it heals at least 1 point of damage.

Card Quote: "Invisible magical Caltrops? That's just not fair!"


Witch Wire Trap
Casting Cost:3/4
School: Force1 or War 1
Range: 0-1
Target: 1 Target Square unooccupied by an enemy creature or Mage.

This trap activates as soon as a flying creature enters the square it is in.

Target flying creature takes 3 dice of direct  Damage, and is considered grounded
until the end of its next turn.

Card Quote: "I may be an Angel... but hitting an invisible wire at 50mph is a one
hell'uva bitch!"


Stinging Nettles Trap
Casting Cost:3/2
School: Nature1 or War 1
Range: 0-1
Target: 1 Target Square unooccupied by an enemy creature or Mage.

This trap activates as soon as a creature enters the sqaure it is in.

Target creature has all its attack dice reduced by 2 Dice (regarless of type)
for 2 turns. If the target is wearing armor the reduction is by only 1 attack Dice
and lasts only until the end of its next turn.

Card Quote: "Those nettles don't just hurt, they ITCH!"


Blinding-Flash Trap
Casting Cost:3/2
School: War 1 (Novice)
Range: 0-1
Target: 1 Target Square unooccupied by an enemy creature or Mage.

This trap activates as soon as a creature enters the square it is in.

Target creature must roll a d12
1-2 = Creature Blinded for 3 full turns
3-6 = Creature Blinded for 2 full turns
7-12 = Creature Blinded until the end of its next turn.

A blind creature cannot attack or defend unless attacked directly first.
If a blind creature moves, it moves in a random direction (roll d12)
1-3: it moves in the direction it intended to move.
4-6: it moves to the right of the direction it intended.
7-9: it moves to the left of the direction it intended.
10-12: it moves the opposite direction it inteneded.

Card Quote: "Blinded...By the light!"