I would have 2 ideeas if i may :
1. A Mesmer is such a mage that deals with illusions and copycats (such as an illusionist) a mesmers main ability would be (for a quick action or quick cast) to change a played and active enchantment with one from his book paying the new cost and destroying the one replaced (giving a tactical of bluff more meaning and deeper thinking).
He would have creatures like Joker/Mime that would copy a creature on the board played by the opponent paying that creatures mana cost or a combination of X beeing something (needs to be tested realy well )
His main weapon should have teleport or a worse variant and cheaper of teleport .
He could lay trap doors on the floor , or face down walls with Mirror effect (like the tresspasser will be mesmerized by his own image and atack itself)
Other equipment could include shadowwalker abilities like change-ing spots with other creatures in the heat of the battle
Something else could be a head gear that will make the atacker atack something else thinking it is its target.
Hidden cards that forbit the character to summon creatures for x cost (x beeing the creatures level ) basicaly waste-ing the mages turn.
He should have all sorts of secret thinkgs up his sleve, but few HP and upkeep is needed for balance.
This mage should reflect a lot of damage .
2. The mageRogue type, the guy that has backstab as main ability, his main focus is dealying direct damage and avoiding the enemys damage.Daggers and poisons are his abilities. Backstab could work as a 1 distance teleport with +2 for first atack only.
Equipments such as cloacks and leather stuff imbued with runes and magic is needed.
Resists, fast and other enchantments are a must.
This guy relies more on the fact that he is fast, hits hard, runs fast and keeps getting back at you.
Traps are his hidden stuff, Hidden traps on creatures are the best ideea for him, like Bear trap (imobilize +2 dice of damage) or swamp trap (slows the targed and with effect die of tangle) Smoke bombs (no more LOS and hard to move) can use force atacks but limited with upkeep.
His creatures should be used as a distraction, and the creatures should have low damage, but fast , flying , agile and have many of them.
These are just a my favourite , i got more as ideeas
thx for reading .