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Author Topic: Mages that you would like to see in the game  (Read 328825 times)


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Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« Reply #120 on: March 30, 2013, 08:57:17 AM »
That came across as a thought too, someone that is all elements but none of the main schools of magic would be pretty snazzy.


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Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« Reply #121 on: March 31, 2013, 09:18:10 AM »
Took some time until a draconic theme was suggested. ;)

What I always wanted to see in an expansion is not simply a draconic humanoid mage, like the Dragon Lord/Rider. What would be AWESOME is the Dragon himself!
No need to call him/her Dragon Mage, dragons are powerful magical creatures and spell casters by nature. Here are some ideas:

Dragon: probably a young dragon, curious about the humanoid world and to learn if what they call magic in the famous arena is something of promise or just amateur tricks of the fledging races that still have much to learn about what yielding magic is really like.

There are a lot of different ways to develop this concept (and I can suggest a few of them ranging from very traditional to more radical approaches), but they would have to attend some iconic items:

Breath Weapon: this would be the mage's power. Basically it's a powerful attack of a given element (or arcane/force), which would also be a favored school for the dragon. It could not cost much mana, but need to recharge for a few rounds before being usable again.

No or restricted equipment: dragons usually don't need or care to wear armor, clothes etc, they don't need weapons beside their teeth, claws and other natural weaponry. Restricted equipment would account for one development concept in which the dragon summons part of his hoard to the arena (or connect with it through an apparatus) in order to empower himself, possibly also weaving time forward, to grow bigger, older and deadlier. This would result in thougher scales, wing attacks, increased damage and the like.

Servants: although it's not mandatory, dragons have an easy(ier) time acquiring servants than most creatures, so they would be able to count with several underling cards, specially draconic ones like different kobold cards, draconic versions of some already existing creature cards, lesser dragons such as wyverns. I think it's fitting that draconic creatures like those are of the arcane type.

Battle prowess: dragons are notoriously a superior race and this also mean they are powerful melee fighters (who can fly)! Specially in a no equipment development path, dragons would have to have some armor, more life (perhaps), flight, multiple attacks and special melee damage. One way to represent this in a balanced manner is to make the dragon count as a already buffed/equipped mage and for that reason, greatly diminish the size of his spell book.

Of course there's a lot more to think and discuss, but the intent is to present a general idea to contribute to this great game and this cool community! Please, feel free to comment and shine your own perspective on this larger than life mage idea and game design challenge! :)


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Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« Reply #122 on: March 31, 2013, 01:33:41 PM »
I see how silly it is now thinking about the separate elementalists when you could just have one elementalist whom of which is trained in ALL elements, because I just noticed the wizard can use any element (it is weird to have an air symbol but have it read {choose any element}) essentially making the wizard an arcane elementalist so bleh.

I see the dragon would be interesting if it had some counterparts, the current mages are all humanoid casters that have to equip additional benefits. It would be interesting (although probably gimmicky/poorly balanced) to see creature casters that have inherent abilities/equipment based on their physiology.

Such as in the dragons case they can breathe fire and the like, but dragonscale armor exists because the hide of dragons is so resilient to damage. Mages of that make up would make FANTASTIC promotional cards though, just play as a dragon, trained in fire or whatever and just have tons of armor and built in resistances, pair them with a lair card and you are ready to just make your own spellbook of playing as a dragon.


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Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« Reply #123 on: March 31, 2013, 09:25:18 PM »

A logical mage, the tactician knows how to wage war like no other.
Image is concept art for Swain from league of legends, I couldn't google anything I wanted so this is what we ended up with.

The Tactician is a Mind/War mage, utilizing a wide array of abilities to set up defenses quickly while mobilizing a strike force with a lot of combat versatility, including enchantments from the tactician that allow for tactical surprises.

Flanking: The Tactician's special ability, if his creatures outnumber the creatures (only one mark per zone, maximum of 2) in a square they are marked as 'flanked'. Lowers their armor by 3 and they cannot take full actions or move while marked.

Outpost: [Structure] Prevents movement of enemy creatures into this zone while present. Can be activated (full action) by creature in zone to move up to 3 also in zone creatures to adjacent zone (over walls). Allows 0-1 line of sight over zone walls.

Ambush: [Enchantment; Friendly creature only] When an attack is made against this target, immediately move zone adjacent creature into targets zone. (Optional: Moved creature becomes target, and gains guard before attack is made.)


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Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« Reply #124 on: April 11, 2013, 01:14:26 PM »
I would have 2 ideeas if i may :

1. A Mesmer is such a mage that deals with illusions and copycats (such as an illusionist) a mesmers main ability would be (for a quick action or quick cast) to change a played and active enchantment with one from his book paying the new cost and destroying the one replaced (giving a tactical of bluff more meaning and deeper thinking).
He would have creatures like Joker/Mime that would copy a creature on the board played by the opponent paying that creatures mana cost or a combination of X beeing something (needs to be tested realy well )
His main weapon should have teleport or a worse variant and cheaper of teleport .
He could lay trap doors on the floor , or face down walls with Mirror effect (like the tresspasser will be mesmerized by his own image and atack itself)
Other equipment could include shadowwalker abilities like change-ing spots with other creatures in the heat of the battle
Something else could be a head gear that will make the atacker atack something else thinking it is its target.
Hidden cards that forbit the character to summon creatures for x cost (x beeing the creatures level ) basicaly waste-ing the mages turn.
He should have all sorts of secret thinkgs up his sleve, but few HP and upkeep is needed for balance.
This mage should reflect a lot of damage .

2. The mageRogue type, the guy that has backstab as main ability, his main focus is dealying direct damage and avoiding the enemys damage.Daggers and poisons are his abilities. Backstab could work as a 1 distance teleport with +2 for first atack only.
Equipments such as cloacks and leather stuff imbued with runes and magic is needed.
Resists, fast and other enchantments are a must.
This guy relies more on the fact that he is fast, hits hard, runs fast and keeps getting back at you.
Traps are his hidden stuff, Hidden traps on creatures are the best ideea for him, like Bear trap (imobilize +2 dice of damage) or swamp trap (slows the targed and with effect die of tangle) Smoke bombs (no more LOS and hard to move) can use force atacks but limited with upkeep.
His creatures should be used as a distraction, and the creatures should have low damage, but fast , flying , agile and have many of them.

These are just a my favourite , i got more as ideeas :D thx for reading .


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Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« Reply #125 on: April 14, 2013, 04:24:21 AM »
Anything that is trained in both Dark and Holy.  In Magic Black/White was always my favorite mix.


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Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« Reply #126 on: April 14, 2013, 05:54:11 PM »
With male and female versions of the mages being announced as well as the possibility of them functioning differently, I had another idea for a mage that can go into two very different directions.

Shaman - Nature is x1. Can choose Dark or Holy. One is x1, the other is x3. Everything else is x2.
The male Shaman resembles more of a witch doctor and has animals that can commonly be found in the jungles of South America whereas the female Shaman looks more like a Japanese miko and has treants, living rocks, and smaller forest critters.

A lot of the Shaman's spells are cross-classed with Nature and either Holy or Dark, but quite cheap in terms of level making a lot of these spells more exclusive to the Shaman, but not too expensive either. As an example, the male Shaman follows the dark path, so a lot of his spells focus on placing curses, status effects, and generally disrupting the opponent's support actions. Irritation is an enchantment that reduces the maximum range of any of the target's spells by 1. The female Shaman is more of a healer and mana generator with a lot of cool conjurations. Her Torii is a wall that channels mana, whenever a creature walks through it, they collect the mana.

The trademark of the Shaman is the Talisman. A talisman is similar to other Nature enchantments, but is cross-classed with light or dark. In addition, they are super-cheap, have high range, and come with a tiny, but fun little effect. The catch being that they always come into play face-up. The Dark Shaman can throw talismans that slowly drain life or add a status effect after a certain number of turns have passed. The Holy Shaman's talismans can prevent status effects for a certain number of turns or add a defense.

Their equipment is also worth mentioning. They have special staves called "Mojos" that can cast Attack spells, but they channel their own mana, if they can't pay the cost, that's okay, because they never drain it from the mage! One mojo can pay the excess amount by absorbing it from nearby targets. One inflicts damage on the mage to pay the amount. Another has a limit to how much extra mana it can drain, so the excess just counts as damage to the item until it's destroyed, but be careful, because you're not allowed to go over that limit, so timing is important. The last one (dark/nature of course) is a total gamble. You're allowed to cast whatever spell you want for as much mana as you want, but the catch is the excess amount goes to an effect die roll and if you fail that check, the mojo blows up in your face!


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Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« Reply #127 on: April 26, 2013, 02:31:23 PM »
I know the dragon idea is floating around heavily, but i want reinforce it just a lil more  :cheer:. The dragon lord/rider is a wonderful concept that could go in a number of ways. Maybe war and nature? Not all creatures have to be uber powerful, babies and adolescent dragons are not a new concept and could easiy be used. I know the Mage Wars team is more than capable of producing an outstanding concept here. Please Mage Wars, answer our pleas!!!


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Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« Reply #128 on: May 30, 2013, 06:36:12 AM »
Well, i miss a Dwarf Mage.

Armorer - can increase armor or melee stats on dwarfs, all equipment cost him as that he is skilled in the school which that equip belong to.

Master Builder - can repair conujrations or cast them in some special cool way :)

Problem is, that school which seems logic are WAR and EARTH or FIRE.

Just my thoughts, nothing serious here :)
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Björn Stornämd

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Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« Reply #129 on: May 31, 2013, 04:43:56 PM »
You can find clues as to what Arcane wonder plans to release by looking at the subtypes listed for most cards at the top right. Some of the ones I find interesting are: Poison, psychic, illusion, transform, vampiric, lycantrope, dwarf, rune, golem and control. Its likely that there will be mages and other cards that give various bonuses to these subtypes.

I wouldn't mind seeing some well thought out new mages. An Illusionist have been mentioned. Someone who specializes in psychic spells could be something. Personally, I would be happy if the female version of the warlord is a dwarf. A witch who uses a lot of poison and can transform enemy creatures into toads and an enchanter that can create golems would also be cool. Some other ideas would be a hedge wizard, who pays 1 spell point for each level 1 spell regardless of school but twice the normal price for all level 2-4 spells.

I don't think sage, hermit, conjuror has been mentioned yet but I dont know if the first two has any place in a duel.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2013, 04:45:41 PM by Björn Stornämd »


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Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« Reply #130 on: June 08, 2013, 02:22:21 PM »
The first idea to jump out at me is a Dream Mage.  Besides the obvious sleep inflicting effects I would imagine that there would be spells that take advantage of this.  A spell that allows the Dream Mage to take control of any sleeping creature or that regained life or mana per each creature on the field that is alseep.  They could have their own brand of creatures called Phantasms or some such that have advantages against sleeping creatures or are able to induce sleep.  A dream travel spell that lets the caster appear next to any sleeping creature.  Maybe a spell that let the mage escape to the land of dreams temporarily (i.e. leave the board for a turn).

Another idea would be like a technomancer.  He would focus around creating items and constructs/automotons.  He could create automatons with modular accessories represented by item cards that would be equipped to them.  This would allow the Technomancer to adapt his creations to his needs and allows him to adjust his forces on the fly.  His versatility would be counter-balanced by a lack of direct firepower.

Another one I think would be interesting would be a shapechanger.  It would have the innate ability to pay X amount of mana to replace his character with creature cards from your spellbook.  The strength of the creature would help determine cost and there would be an upkeep cost to maintain the effect.  Maybe, as a balance, the mage cannot regain mana while in a different shape?  Another possibility is that he could change out a creature he has on the field by paying the difference in mana or thereabouts.

Just a few suggestions.


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Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« Reply #131 on: June 08, 2013, 04:19:42 PM »
I was thinking about a Wizard whose attributes are centered around gaining a massive mana advantage. He would have the highest channeling in the game and his attributes would focus on draining the opponent's Mana. Might be OP, but just an idea.

Note: there is already a thread for future mages you would like to see. Technically, this thread is for mage types, so different types of already existing mages... right?
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Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« Reply #132 on: June 12, 2013, 01:24:32 PM »
I like the Elementalist idea.  Trained in all 4 elements.  So would focus heavily on spells.  But also as part of that there would be an elemental of each type for creatures, which there obv strengths and weaknesses.    And maybe for a big creature or the mage himself to be an elemental lord that can "choose" it's base type of attack as needed.  Would be pretty versatile versus any type of mage or situation.


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Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« Reply #133 on: June 17, 2013, 09:05:28 PM »
Training: All elemental schools.  nature and mind spells cost triple (or nature, mind, dark and holy).

Elemental Mastery:
Once per round the Elementalist may cast a quick action fire, air, water, and/or earth spell for x less mana and add +2 to d12 effect die as a full action instead of a quick action. X is the elemental level cost of the spell.

Elemental Toughness:
Mage gain -2 to all fire, water, earth, air, lightning, or acid damage and is immune to burn and freeze effects.

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Re: Mages that you would like to see in the game
« Reply #134 on: June 17, 2013, 11:32:24 PM »
the best part of the elementalist is the possibility of lvl 4 epic attack spells. I imagine some 20 mana entire arena damage spells like blizzard and fire inferno. or the possibility of duel element attacks like thunderstorm (water/air for hydro/lightning damage, combine dice then remove armour) or volcanic eruption (fire/earth for flame/seismic damage)
Being Aussie we place all our cards face down, apart from enchantments which are face up