What Hedge said. 0.5 regular damage and 0.5 critical damage AVERAGE PROBABILITY for every die rolled.
My next statement will probably be seen as rude/dismissive, but I do not intend the message to be rude or dismissive, so, please, restrain the D-Bag alerts until you've finished reading the following message in its entirety:
Mage Wars probably isn't the right game for you.
The core mechanics of Mage Wars are built upon an average probability in X dice. This is a mathematical formula that is, I'm sure, painstakingly calculated with great detail into every creature, attack spell, and incantation requiring dice to be rolled, leveled against the costs associated with those cards. If you do not like rolling dice, or do not appreciate the tilted random factor of having games be dependent on how the dice roll in or against your favor, then you should probably look for a new game to play with your friend.
You have identified yourself as a Magic player, and as a WoW player, and both of those games are factored HEAVILY in design toward the deck. That is to say, when designers get together and create cards for those games, they are calculating against probabilities of drawing X cards in tandem with Y cards in tandem with "how soon" vs. resource management. You aren't comparing apples to oranges. You are comparing apples to buffalo. To be more colorful; you are comparing a fruit to a mammal. These games, however similar they may appear to be to one another on the surface, could not be more dramatically different in reference to how they are designed, the costs associated with card design, the resources being managed, and the "randomness" factor, which in Magic and WoW you get by merit of a blind and afterwards mitigated draw, whereas in Mage Wars the randomness factor is dice.
If you managed to get through that, then hopefully you are still with me.
I love this game, and I am a huge proponent for doing anything and everything possible to make it more accessible, user-friendly, easy to learn, and fun, but you are essentially decrying one of the, if not the, most fundamental design concepts of this game, which leads me back to my original premise; Mage Wars probably isn't the game for you.
To put it another way:
A person has a history of playing Blackjack. He/she likes Blackjack. He/she is enticed into a game of Craps with a friend. The Blackjack player says "Craps would be better if the dice weren't so important."
Everyone at the table looks at him/her funny. Craps isn't the right game for that player, because he/she cannot appreciate the fundamental core element of the game, which is a pair of d6.
I hate to be the guy who says "look elsewhere for your fun" because, as I previously said, I very much want to do all possible to grow this game, but I also have to accept facts, as should you.