My thoughts about the changes before I have played with them:
-> Very good, the big equalizer 10/10
The Druid's Treebond will not confer channeling + 1, only Armor +1, Innate Life +4 and Lifebond +2
-> I don't think that is necessary considering that everyone has 10 channeling now, but it it sure as hell doesn't hurt either, since Druid will still be better than the other nature mages.
All spawn points that can cast creature spells have -1 armor from what is printed on their card (please place a corrosive marker on the card when it is cast to keep automation).
-> Not sure why this change happened. I presume AD wants faster games and making spawnpoints easier to destroy might speed up games?
Ethereal trait rework- When attacking incorporeal objects with an ethereal attack, damage is only dealt on 1’s as with a non-ethereal attack. However, the attacker is allowed to reroll all 0’s and 2’s once.
-> Considering how weak ethereal has become since the Pillar was introduced I think it's a good way to make those creatures more viable. I like it.
Piercing +X trait rework - This attack subtracts X from the target’s armor when determining the amount of damage dealt. It cannot reduce the target’s armor below 0. Also when attacking an object with the Resilient trait, Piercing may reroll X number of non-critical dice one time.
-> Wow, that's a big nerf to resilent. That's probably the alternative to increase the manacost of the Brute, and I have to say I like the change because I don't think that many necros will now play with zombies. And I really disliked it that zombies were - until now - so clearly superior to skeletons. Maybe now beastmasters have a chance against necros.. looking forward to seeing this in action.
Mage Wand now has the Epic Trait
-> Perfect, long overdue.
Ritual of Kallek - Only a Mage can cast this spell. The casting mage loses 2 life, then gain 3 mana. You can only cast this spell once per round.
-> I have never had the feeling that Ritual is too strong - on the contrary, I liked that it enabled many new strategies, but considering that AD seems to prefer shorter games this change makes sense under this point of view.
Veteran’s Belt - Warlord Only
-> Will also lead to shorter games. And since I normally play aggressive decks anyway it certainly suits me and my playstyle.
Arcane Zap - Now costs 3 mana. Everything else is the same.
-> I think that one is a bit over the top considering that ethereal got nerfed anyway. 2 mana would have been fine. And if you change manacosts of abilities, why not make the priests ability to apply a burn for free or reduce the manacost of the Siren's ability ?
All cards replace the Legendary trait with the Unique trait
-> hmmm...... though to say if I like that or not. On the one hand it prevents games to be decided in t1 (if both strategies rely on the same creature) on the other hand if both players want to play e.g. Dorseus, you need to prepare in deckbuilding to include cards to deal with a situation in which your opponent casts that creature before you. But I think I like it more than I dislike it.
Harmonize now has the “song” Subtype
-> A first - small - step in the right direction.
You are only allowed to play with the Green Action Markers if you choose a Nature trained Mage