thanks to all who were able to make it. it was a blast. events like this cannot happen without the great players like you all. sorry to all who were unable to attend, hopefully next time.
also, sorry to the folks who wanted more details via the stream while the event was happening. it was not easy to watch comments during play because of the placement of the pc controlling the stream. we will do a better job next event if we stream it. which I hope to have happen again. perhaps we can set up a live channel for voice chats too via discord. that would be way cool.
we had 4-5 tables going near non stop. we had 12 players, and many who wanted to come but could not make it. we held a 10 player tournament. sharkbait vs biblofilter for the final match. congrats to sharkey for the win. no idea how many total matches were played over the weekend but it was a lot.
I am still tired because we stayed up so late every night...
again, thanks to all who made it. I really do appreciate the community we have. a bunch of really awesome people. a special thanks to those who travelled far to get here. jbuzzsaw, stanyer and the guest of honor biblofilter.
I look forward to the next time when we can meet again.