All of my books, from my Druid to my Warlord, are designed for tournament play. If I can kill an opponent in 60 minutes, it does not matter if I am playing in timed or untimed play. Really, the difference between the two is that untied play is more casual, so people chat and watch TV while playing an untimed game, so play time is rarely over 60 minutes, you just have 60 minutes of other stuff happening during the untimed game.
We never have TV, phones, or anything else distracting, and yet our typical game would be probably 90-120mins, and I've had games very occasionally go 4-5hrs, with only a handful of spells left in each book. In untimed play you can concentrate on being unkillable (high armour, lots of defenses and counters), and spell point efficient (good schools, lots of wands) whilst in timed play you have to balance defence with offense, and spell points don't matter to get the right card - most of my tournament books win with 20-30 SBP, and the rest are just sideboard options.
In untimed play I very rarely lose, but more so in timed, as is natural. Aggressive books honestly have very little chance in untimed play (which is a good reason for a tournament metagame being timed). To take an extreme example - my favourite Druid book is one that I have never lost a match with. I have also never gotten a win in 75 mins either, and for that reason I've never taken it to a tournament. I have plenty of other books that are good, and I've won tournaments with, but they are not so sure of a win - but probably winning in time, is more important than never losing in a tournament (and for clarity, that's just as it should be).
What I'm trying to say here is that the best book to win in 75 mins (or 60, or 90) is not the same as the best book to win untimed. It's definitely not the case of them being the same books, just played slower through distractions.