So after playing a bunch with the paladin I've learned quite a bit about how he plays. Since day 1 the money question has been: do I go temple or do I go SWAT team? Whenever I consider temple, there are two main points to consider.
1. How do I want to cast the temple. Do I want it out turn 1 with a harmonize? Do I want it turn 2 while opening with clerics and crystals. Do I want to do it like Coshade does; cast a delayed temple or non at all. Etc
2. What can the paladin do with temple that the other holy mages can't?.
Priestess: Is inherantly better in the long game bc of the 10 channel and her abilities.
Priest: He primarily uses temple to get out cheap creatures like clerics, ehren, and defenders and often will get good value out of HAing one of the cheap clerics or knights.
So what can Paladin do with temple?
1. Clerics + knights + light of dawns. This seems the most logical way to use it, but I ran into a LOT of Mana struggles doing this.
2. Griffin Swarm: No thanks. Griffin shines as a Holy Avenger.
3. Red helm/ white cloaked knight swarm: Personally, I don't like etheir of these two very much. Who would use an attack spell on whitecloak if he was not immune and strongest creature interactions I'm still not a fan of.
4. Big angel/dragon: These might be better without temple and run into the same issues as number 1.
Level 1-3 holy swarm: I don't think this is great. Holy isn't really the best swarm school. They don't really have many AOE buffs unless you plan to turtle.
Which is another point; the paladin wants to hit things and gain valor. He doesn't want to be sitting back playing support the whole time. If your doing that, it is likely a good idea to switch to priestess.
Rant over.