Hello everyone!
My name is Matthew, and I have worked for Arcane Wonders for a few years now. I have managed every project since the release of Domination, and have done a significant amount of design work on Mage Wars (primarily Academy).
I rarely spend time on the forums, but it has come to my attention that this introduction and announcement are needed.
Many of you know Laddinfance. He has been part of the AW team for longer than I have. He was actually my contact for joining the company.
Laddinfance has recently stepped out of his role at Arcane Wonders. He will still be around, but in a more limited capacity.
I have taken over development of Mage Wars products, and Coshade has taken over the forum/community moderator portion of Laddinfance's duties.
I just wanted to make sure that you were all informed on what was going on.
Have a great day!