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Author Topic: Poison Specialist (Mage & cards)  (Read 6173 times)


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Poison Specialist (Mage & cards)
« on: January 08, 2017, 05:52:49 PM »
You can find the most up-to-date version here for sure, but I'll try to keep this post up to date as well.

Poison Specialist

Spell Point Limit: 120
Health: 30
Armor: 0
Channeling: 10

Creature: Human

Training: Trained in Dark 2, as well as Poison, and creatures with Poison Damage or Conditions, or effects that deal Poison Damage.


Poison Master
The Poison Specialist has the Poison Immunity trait. Enemies with at least 3 Poison conditions on them gain Poison +1. Enemies with at least 6 Poison conditions on them gain an additional Poison +1.

1 mana ;; Poison Miasma ;; Poison ;; Ranged ;; Quick ;; 0-1 ;; 1 Dice ;; 9+ Cripple + Daze, Unavoidable, Critical Damage
Once per turn, you may treat the above attack as if it had Counterstrike.

Poisoned Dagger ;; Melee ;; Quick ;; 2 Dice ;; 8+ Rot
The effect dice only applies if the attack deals damage.



Creeping Death ;; Cost: 15 ;; Air 4 ;; Conjuration ;; Subtype: Poison ;; Full ;; 0-1 ;; Target: Zone

Poison Specialist only
Dissipate 3
Wind +3

Armor: None
Life: 8+2X
X Dice
5-8 Weak
9-10 Weak + Rot
11+ Weak + Tainted

When Creeping Death is cast, or a Dissipate Token is removed, it attacks all non-flying creatures in its zone. X = the number of Dissipate Tokens on Creeping Death. When a Dissipate Token is removed, each adjacent zone gains 1 Creeping Death Token with 2 Dissipate Tokens on it. Each Creeping Death Token attacks like Creeping Death when its Dissipate Token is removed. When a Creeping Death Token has a Dissipate Token removed, each adjacent zone gains 1 Creeping Death Token with 1 Dissipate Token on it. A zone cannot have more than 1 Creeping Death or Creeping Death Token at a time. You may spend a Full Action to add 1 Dissipate Token to Creeping Death.



Poison Leech ;; Cost: 2/6 ;; Dark 2 ;; Enchantment ;; Subtype: Curse, Poison ;; Quick ;; 0-2 ;; Target: Creature with a Poison Condition

Dark Mage only
Magebind +2

During the Upkeep Phase, for each Poison Condition on the enchanted creature, you heal 1.


Paralyzing Poison ;; 2/X ;; Dark 2 ;; Enchantment ;; Subtype: Poison ;; Quick ;; 0-2 ;; Target: Creature

Poison Specialist only
Magebind +3

During the Upkeep Phase, apply the following effects to the enchanted creature as long as they meet the requirements. X = the level of the creature + 1.

Gain 1 Weak condition.
If you have 2 or more Weak conditions, you gain 1 Stagger condition.
If you have 4 or more Weak conditions, you gain 1 Daze condition.
If you have 6 or more Weak conditions, you gain 1 Cripple condition.
If you have 8 or more Weak conditions, you gain 1 Stunned condition.


Quick Poison ;; 2/6 ;; Dark 3 ;; Enchantment ;; Subtype: Poison ;; Quick ;; 0-2 ;; Target: Creature

Upkeep X

During the Upkeep Phase, if the enchanted creature has a Poison Condition on it, you may add 1 more of a 1 Poison Condition it already has to it. X = the number of Poison Conditions on the enchanted creature.


Ticking Death ;; 2/2 ;; Dark 1 ;; Enchantment ;; Quick ;; 0-2 ;; Target: Minor Undead Creature

Dissipate 2

Poison ;; X Dice ;; 5-7 Daze, 8-10 Daze + Rot, 11+ Stun and Taint, Critical Damage, Unavoidable

When the last Dissipate token is removed, destroy the enchanted creature, then each creature in this zone receives the above attack. X = the level of the enchanted creature.



Pouch of Poisons ;; Cost: 9 ;; Dark 2 ;; Equipment: Belt ;; Quick ;; 0-2 ;; Target: Mage

This Mage may attach upto 2 Quick Poison Spells to Pouch of Poisons during the Planning Phase. When you are attacked, you may cast 1 Poison Spell attached to Pouch of Poisons during the Counterstrike Step instead of a quick attack, targeting the attacker.


Poison-Maker’s Robes ;; Cost: 6 ;; Air 1 ;; Equipment: Chest ;; Quick ;; 0-2 ;; Target: Mage

Mage gains Armor +2 and the Poison -3 trait.


Poisoned Spiked Armor ;; Cost: 8 ;; Dark 2 ;; Equipment: Chest ;; Quick ;; 0-2 ;; Target: Mage

Poison Specialist only

Poisoned Spikes ;; Damage Barrier ;; Poison ;; 1 Dice ;; Unavoidable, Critical Damage, 7-10 Weak, 11+ Crippled + Weak

Mage gains Armor +1 and a Damage Barrier.


Poison Ring ;; Cost: 4 ;; Dark 1 ;; Equipment: Ring ;; Quick ;; 0-2 ;; Target: Mage

Once per round, this Mage may pay 1 less mana when he casts or reveals a Poison spell. Enchantments only receive this discount when they are revealed. As a Quick Poison Spell for 2 mana, 1 creature in your zone gains Rot.


Viper Blade-Whip ;; Cost: 13 ;; Dark 4 ;; Equipment: Weapon ;; Subtype: Poison, Animal, Reptile ;; Quick ;; 0-2 ;; Target: Mage

Poison Specialist only
Armor: None
Life: 7
Regenerate 1

Viper Strike ;; Quick ;; Melee ;; Poison ;; 2 Dice ;; Reach, 4-8 Rot, 9-10 Rot + Grapple, 11+ Taint + Grapple
Viper Constrict ;; Full ;;  Melee ;; 4 Dice ;; Reach, 6-10 Weak + Grapple, 11+ Weak 2 + Grapple ;; This can only be done as a Creature

Rot and Tainted only apply if the attack deals damage. As a Quick Action, you may Summon Viper Blade-Whip as a Creature within 2 zones of you. Viper Blade-Whip gets Melee +2 against its prey while Summoned. If you Summon Viper Blade-Whip while you are Grappling through its effect, your Grapple marker is transferred to it and it must be Summoned in your zone. As a Quick Action while in the same zone as Viper Blade-Whip, you may equip it to yourself and gain any Grapple markers from its attacks on yourself. You cannot Grapple with both Viper Strike and Viper Constrict at the same time. Viper Blade-Whip loses Regenerate while it is Summoned.



Poison Needles ;; Cost: 6 ;; Dark 2 ;; Attack ;; Quick ;; 0-2 ;; Target: Creature

Ranged ;; 2 Dice ;; 5-8 Weak, 9+ Weak + Rot, Sweeping OR Double Strike

Weak and Rot only apply if the attack deals damage.


Poison Bomb ;; Cost: 8 ;; Air 3 ;; Attack ;; Subtypes: Poison ;; Full ;; 0-0 ;; Target: Zone

Dissipate 1

Ranged ;; Dice 3 ;; Poison ;; 4-7 Cripple, 8-10 Cripple + Rot, 11+ Cripple + Taint, Critical Damage, Unavoidable

This attack remains in the zone it targets. When the Dissipate token is removed, or if a creature enters the zone, it is attacked by Poison Bomb. Objects in the zone are Obscured.


Mystery Poison ;; Cost 4 ;; Dark 1 ;; Attack ;; Subtypes: Poison ;; Quick ;; 0-1 ;; Target: Creature

Ranged ;; Dice 1 ;; Poison ;; 1-3 Cripple, 4-6 Rot, 7-9 Weak, 10+ Tainted, Critical Damage

If the creature is already under the effect of the Poison Condition that would be gained by Mystery Poison, they are Dazed as well.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2017, 10:01:45 PM by Milevan_Faent »


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Re: Poison Specialist (Mage & cards)
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2017, 04:18:50 AM »
Poison Specialist
(I prefer Poison Alchemist or Assassin, but not a big deal.)

Spell Point Limit: 120
Health: 30
Armor: 0
Channeling: 10
(With the abilities and new cards, you probably only need 9 channeling.)(In most cases, a mage with 10 channeling is compensating for something.)

Creature: Human
(What about Goblin, Drow, something of a darker nature.)

Training: Trained in Dark 2, as well as Poison, and creatures with Poison Damage or Conditions, or effects that deal Poison Damage.
(There are way too many creatures that give Poison Con or Damage to add.  I would instead say something along the line of "Trained in Dark 2, as well as Poison and Acid subtype" since acid could easily be added to the poison theme.)


Poison Master
The Poison Specialist has the Poison Immunity trait. When an enemy creature takes Poison damage, you may pay 1 mana to deal 1 direct Poison damage to them, but no more than once per creature per turn. Once per turn, when an enemy creature gains a Poison condition except from Creeping Poison, you may pay that condition’s removal cost to add 1 more of that condition.
(This is the same as the Necro, Instead of Plague Master you could say something like:
nama of ability: Poison Adept
Trait of ability: -2 from Poison Attacks and Conditions, All Poison enchantments and Incantations cost addition two mana to target this mage.
Thematically a poison specialist would take small dozes of different poisons to gain partial immunity. also you need something different.)

Creeping Poison
During the Upkeep Phase, each creature that does not have Poison Immunity must pay 1 mana (from itself or its controller) for each creature with a Poison Condition in their Zone or gain 1 of those conditions.
(A zone effecting ability is too strong, what about change this into a defensive ability like the forcemaster or wizard. What about:
name of ability: Poison Miasma
Trait of ability: Once per turn, the first creature to attack you is counter attacked by 1 dice Poison atk, unavoidable, Critical, daze +9 +8 Stagger.
This could act as a build in Barrier, instead of avoiding damage it deals damage.)

Poisoned Dagger ;; Melee ;; Quick ;; Poison ;; 1 Dice ;; 4-6 Rot, 7-10 Rot + Cripple, 11+ Tainted + Cripple
The effect dice only applies if the attack deals damage.

(Cool idea, but it has some blaring problems. 1: it is a poison attack, what would it feel like to go against a zombie. 2: having that may effects is overly complicated and powerful.
What about: [This could be interesting having two quick range attacks instead of melee attack]
Poison Flask ;; Range 0-1 ;; Quick ;; Poison ;; 2 Dice ;; +9 Daze.
Corrosive Flask ;; Range 0-1 ;; Quick ;; Acid ;; 1 Dice ;; +9 Corrode.
Poisoned Dagger ;; Melee ;; Quick ;; Basic ;; 2 Dice ;; +8 Daze)

I'll update this later with the rest of the ideas.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2017, 01:25:22 PM by Werekingdom »
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Re: Poison Specialist (Mage & cards)
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2017, 08:19:14 AM »
I originally went with that School setup. The main problem with that is that leaves you with a grand total of 10 cards plus all 38 dark 2 and 46 dark 1. Compared to almost any other mage, that's far too small of a pool. Especially when you consider most of those cards won't really fit the theme of the mage.

Your changes to the effects are great defensively, but they also kill the mage completely. Poison is slow. You need ways to increase the speed of the damage if you're going for a DoT kill.

As it stands, if I went with these changes, I'd end up having to make a bunch of cards that would be add more poison creatures that would probably end up being very similar to creatures that already exist, but lack the poison sub-type. I'd also have to make a bunch of ways to speed up the damage in other ways.

While Poison Master is similar to Plague Master, you overlooked a few key differences. It triggers off of Poison damage, whereas Plague Master triggers off having a Poison condition. This means they have to be hit by a poison attack or have rot to trigger this. That's both weaker and stronger in its own ways. Also, it has the ability to add an extra copy of a condition on a creature in play. This was all meant to speed up the kill rate for the mage since he's already going to be one of the slowest killing mages in the game.

I can at least agree with you on Creeping Poison as I felt it might be a bit much. I shall take your comments on the dagger into consideration as well.

EDIT: also, the high channeling was compensating for the slow damage and crap health.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2017, 08:41:14 AM by Milevan_Faent »


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Re: Poison Specialist (Mage & cards)
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2017, 10:41:38 AM »
If you are worried about a cardpool for a new mage, my suggestion is make the cards to make the mage work!
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Re: Poison Specialist (Mage & cards)
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2017, 10:44:05 AM »
If you are worried about a cardpool for a new mage, my suggestion is make the cards to make the mage work!

It's not just the card pool, but redundant cards that are basically v2 of existing cards made to work with the new mage. There are already a lot of really good cards that work for it, but they're out of school if I change the school from what I've set it to. That's why I chose to make it compatible with all poison-based creatures. To flesh out that card pool using existing cards, rather than redundantly making more cards that didn't really need to exist.


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Re: Poison Specialist (Mage & cards)
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2017, 02:39:36 PM »
Updated the mage and added some new cards