I forgot that Vines can hinder Elusive creatures (i.e. Elusive only ignores enemy creatures).
Rajah is another naturally elusive creature in the Beastmaster/Druid's arsenal - although he doesn't have built-in Fast, so he is easier to deal with via Push/Teleport effects (assuming you Dispel/Dissipate any Cheetah Speed).
Other annoying Elusive+Fast creatures include Bitterwood Foxes and/or Thunderrift Falcons with Panther Stealth, the latter of which avoids hindering from Vines. And Panther Stealth (and Mongoose Agility) are cheap/abundant enough that they'll drain you of your Dispels/Dissipates. (Of course, a lot of Attack Spells should be able to take care of a Thunderrift Falcon or Bitterwood Fox... assuming you don't roll like crap... and assuming no Etherian Lifetree, etc). But in a multiplayer game, you have the problem of "if I combat the Fast/Elusive creature, my other opponent gains the benefits without paying the costs associated with dealing with said creature."