I'm Ray -
move to middle space, Ring, Vine tree (bond). Leaving me with 9 mana.
Turn 2 (19) deploy 2 vines, (18) mana, Deploy Raptor vine (9 mana). QC , Enchanters ring and a creature enchantment. (5)
Turn 3 (15 mana) 2 vines (14) deploy Raptor Vine (5) Creature enchantment (3) reveal enchantment and move attack. or just move.
I have played the book once since I changed it and added the seedling pods and they didn't work as I had planned. partly because i was playing against zombies who are slow and never go to where I placed the pods. at the same time it allowed the pods to get huge and cast stuff for me. I have since remove the 3 seedling pods for 2 mana flowers and a mongoose agility.