Ataque: attack
Encantamiento: enchantment
Equipamiento: equipment
Criatura: creature
Conjuro: conjuration
Hechizo: incantation
Does this work? I'm not sure what the generic word for spell would be in this case. Normally incantation and conjuration are the same word in spanish, conjuro, but that obviously doesn't work in mage wars. Anyone have any ideas? Maybe we don't need the generic word for spell, and the word "magía" would suffice?
What do you think?
encantamiento obligatoro: mandatory enchantment
mandato: command
embruja: curse
Égida: aegis
Armadura: armor
una Esquiva: a defense (literally, a “dodge” or an “avoid”)
Ataque cuerpo a cuerpo: melee attack
Ataque a la distancia: ranged attack
Ataque a la zona: zone attack
Arcane: Arcane
Sagrada: Holy
Oscura: Dark
Mente: Mind
Guerra: War
Natura: Nature
Agua: Water
Fuego: Fire
Aire: Air
Tierra: Earth
That's as far as I've gotten so far.