Heh, yeah, I wasn't sure how competitive your local meta was but Beastmaster with Falcons was the Gencon winning champions book. It gives the forcemaster quite a bit of trouble because you don't have reach or appropriate creatures. I'm trying to restrain myself from saying "play my book the way I play it", though. This is how I play:
If the beastmaster charges you then make it a damage race, focus on killing them before the birds get you, Mind control his pet, if he doesn't dispel it the turn you cast it it will end up stunned twice for very little net mana cost. If you do get to keep the falcon remember it still gets the pet bonus for being in the beastmasters zone.
If the beastmaster walls himself in the corner then look for opportunities to mind control a falcon that will be too far away for him to dispel. If you have an appropriate creature that helps too, such as gorgon archer, grimson deadeye, or necropian Vampiress.
More general advice, defenses are for mitigating big attacks, armor is for small attacks, since forcemaster natively has a good defense you only want to add armor. Leather boots are the correct choice. My typical turn 1 opening is:
Turn 1: Cheetah speed, Battleforge
Turn 2: Deploy Enchanter's ring, enchant self (bear str usually), Attack if able, otherwise summon ooze or thought spore or move closer and play rust on the enemy mage. - This choice depends on what your opponent is doing. FM gets into it fast to minimize the benefit your opponent can get out of creatures and spawnpoints which you lack.
Turn 3: Deploy Guantlets of str, Enchant self with Arkiro's favor, Attack.
Play Galvatar only if they armored up or you are starting in the zone with your target. Play scimitar only if you don't expect them to be able to run away, so it is also typically deployed the turn after galvatar. Force Ring is only for games that will go long so I only usually deploy it if I am using a creature as well. Don't play armor beyond leather boots unless you've run out of offensive items or your opponent removed your armor.
Remember to get forcefield down before the last turn of the game. Last turn of the game you probably want to play jinx and attack, maybe hurl boulder and attack if you think it will work.
Personally I would ditch obelisk and suppression orb. Those are the tactics of someone who wants a long game. Aggressive forcemaster wants to end the game in 4-6 turns, you will pay about as much for the obelisk as your opponent does in that time! Defensive forcemaster does exist but you need creatures to summon that will give you long game benefit. Aim for long game or short game and focus on that. Similarly forcecrush is overkill.
Btw, I'd estimate new players need to get totally crushed between 5-9 times before they become competent at the game. That's a big part of why there are so few players, the learning curve is tremendous.
Good luck, young padawan.