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Author Topic: Sardonyx: How to use?  (Read 7217 times)


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Sardonyx: How to use?
« on: August 22, 2014, 09:23:31 AM »
At level 8 and 24 Mana, Sardonyx, the first dragon of Mage Wars, is one of the most expensive creatures to put into a spellbook and into the game. Unfortunately, I don't seem to understand how to properly use him! Help?


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Re: Sardonyx: How to use?
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2014, 10:28:13 AM »
Welcome Drakossozh!

I haven't had much experience with him because I dont usually run a Necro or a Warlock but I will give you my thoughts on how I would use it.

I haven't seen too many people run Sardonyx simply because the cost to have him out is too high. Losing 2 base health every round really stacks up over time and can cause you to lose if you play him too soon. The times that I have seen him come out, it was close to the end of the match where the opposing mage was on his last leg and the mage using Sardonyx summons him to finish the job.

Some people try to offset the life loss through the [mwcard=MWSTX1CKQ01]Sunfire Amulet[/mwcard]. This slows the life loss down which makes having him out more tolerable. Other people use [mwcard=MWSTX1CKI01]Drain Soul[/mwcard] which essentially buys you 3 more turns with him.

One method I have seen people mention is to use him in combination with [mwcard=MW1J20]Sacrificial Altar[/mwcard]. By sacrificing him to the alter, you have the opportunity to give a creature +8 melee and +8 piercing which is a monstrous amount of potential damage. Its a great way to finish off an armoured mage or a big creature who has been given you trouble throughout the match. Use it wisely though. You only get the bonus for that round.

Im sure many people have used him successfully. I just personally don't use him myself because I consider the cost to summon and have him out to be too high. Hope that gave you some ideas on how to use him
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Re: Sardonyx: How to use?
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2014, 10:37:13 AM »
Additionally, [mwcard=MW1E14]Enfeeble[/mwcard] and [mwcard=MW1I28]Teleport[/mwcard] would be good additions to minimize your opponents maneuvering. You do not want your opponent running away from Sardonyx.


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Re: Sardonyx: How to use?
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2014, 02:09:02 PM »
Exchange him for Dispels and Dissolves to get the best out of him!

- no life lost!
- no average attacks!
- useful in much more situations!

Honest answer: If you'd want him to work, I'd say you should go Sardonyx all the way and absuse his "psychological effect" same as the Adramelech Lord of Fire or Vashalla - just to put the enemy mage in a spot where he is not sure if he should attack him or your mage. Support him, as mentioned, by slowing the enemy and leave everything else as food for sardonyx. If your life becomes curial low, just sacrifice him and go for the +8 Dice
« Last Edit: August 22, 2014, 02:18:58 PM by Cnoedel »
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Re: Sardonyx: How to use?
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2014, 10:18:37 PM »
I have personally been using it as a late game finisher, but even my opponents say that they never really felt his presence on the board :( So far, it seems the consensus is that he is underwhelming and wayyy to expensive in terms of not just spell points and mana, but also life.


I was so excited to use him, but oh well.

Thanks for the welcome and quick responses guys! Guess I'm gonna have to remove that pesky dragon for something better!

More feedback would be welcome though! It'd be great to hear from a player who has managed to successfully use the Sardonyx bomb!


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Re: Sardonyx: How to use?
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2014, 11:30:15 PM »
I don't think Sardonyx is a "build around" card;  I think he is a reactionary late-game card against large swarms of creatures.  I mean, his sweeping attack rolls 10(!) dice, which is ridiculous.  Not even Adramelech rolls that many.  That's the main reason to use him.

For the mage that isn't summoning as many creatures and is focusing on buffing enchants instead, Sardonyx is pretty much there as a last resort in a match where you know you aren't going to win the late game.  You pretty much trade your late game for the ability to have the most powerful creature in the game right now, specifically designed to hose hordes and be borderline untouchable.

I think the Arraxian Crown Warlock is probably best suited to use him, with his 38 health and ability to heal himself for the damage he takes in the early/mid game  A.C. Warlock also doesn't seem as good with the Pentagram, so a last-resort option in case his late game isn't looking great is more desirable.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2014, 11:33:01 PM by reddawn »
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Re: Sardonyx: How to use?
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2014, 08:17:03 PM »
I built an agro book with him as the star. It worked really well. As long as you can keep him on the enemy they will die. There's basically nothing they can do except banish him or teleport (so pack teleports of your own). I like how he shuts down the specials of Guardian Angel and Highland Unicorn. No healing for you!

You can see the book here.


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Re: Sardonyx: How to use?
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2014, 10:06:21 AM »
Correct me if I am wrong but he doesn't disappear when you want him to. Basically you just lose life so long as he lives. You cannot forcefully choose to kill him by direct means which means its risky to bring him out. It is a commitment creature. But my best guess on how to use him is to counter other legendary creatures.

Lets say you're fighting the Priestess and she sends a maxed out lightning angel towards you. Bring out Sardonyx and run away to set up the sacrificial alter so that you can get rid of him as soon as your opponents creatures is destroyed.

I think he was created to counter Talos. But I suppose a sun fire amulet combined with bull endurance,and mage wand drain souls, you could play sardonyx more aggressively. I might throw a Mort with him to keep them both reconstructing.


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Re: Sardonyx: How to use?
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2014, 04:08:51 PM »
Sardonyx works great with Sacraficial Alter. Attack with Sardonyx one last time in a turn where you deem you do not want him out any more. Let the opponent act. Quick cast Sacraficial Alter and the Sacrafice Sardonyx giving another creature +8 attack dice and +8 piercing. Swing with that creature for one hell of a parting gift from Sardonyx.
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Re: Sardonyx: How to use?
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2014, 04:34:32 PM »
Lord of Flame using 14 attack die piercing 8? even Talos wouldn't stand a chance