Hey Forum,
So I want to hear your thoughts about your (least) favorite Artworks, since i have to get this off my chest and I am way to often on this forum and there is not much happening
Please don't feel offended, I am sure that every artist did a great job and deserve to be printed. I can see that there are other ideas around artworks and everyone prefers a different style.
Furthermore I had to pick between MANY not-so-good and MUCH MORE perfect cards, sometimes it is the cards design that does not allow to be creative (like some equipment) and please consider that i really like most of the art in this game!
Best:Block/Nullify - Maybe it is because every Spellbook has them, but both cards represent Mage Wars for me. They look furiously good and I fell in love since i saw them!
Ravenous Ghoul - I loved Magic, since it has a lot of grim and dark artworks, this is what drove me into it in the first place and kept me in for a long time! Ravenous Ghoul to me is the most gruesome card there is so it desevers a mention. But there are better looking cards!
Togorah - Like THIS bad boy ent! He looks really nasty and I would love to play him! (But my girlfriend has dips on the druid
Selesius, the East wind - Whoa, righteous fire and grace. She looks so awesome!
Pacify - grim, shady, dark: Thats how i like it, even if it is a holy card!
Arcane Corruption - so this one features the paladin and you can see a story in the picture (this is not the only card that does so, but my favorite!) The bear strength (in fact all of these animal-enchantments tell their story pretty simple) brings nothing but pain to the paladin! It is just so detailed!
Bear strenght (alterned artwork) - again a story, but with fun, maybe its not the best artwork and not well suited for this list, but i laughed at it
Worst:Skeletal Minion/Sardonyx/Deathfang - whats up with this plain skeletons, they look very bad to me! Look at Skeletal Senetry/Knight, this is how an evil, rotten skelly looks like!
Adramelech - If you ask a 15 year old how to draw a cue chubby demon it would probably look like this.
Burst of Thorns - that priests face reminds me of Nicolas Cage. Nuff said!
Valshalla/Samandriel - the 90ies called, they want their style back.
Libro Mortus - The Necro spellbook is my personal favorite but on this card i had to laugh, was it because of the dumb looking skinned face? Or because of the ridiculous lightning effects that make no sense to me? I will never know!
Funny mentions:Barracks - I like the artwork but every time i shuffle through my cards I see a modern Base. Please tell me you do too
Battle Forge - Is this a wookie? Because to me it looks like a wookie!
Decoy - Not sure if cute or horrible artwork but I love it for irrational reasons!