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Author Topic: Running with the pack Beastmaster  (Read 2880 times)


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Running with the pack Beastmaster
« on: May 08, 2014, 07:31:51 PM »
Hello everyone, just looking for some feedback on my Beastmaster build. The main focus of this build is to make use of the various "canine" creatures supported with buffs.

Ring of Beasts
Staff of Beasts
Reflex boots
Regrowth Belt

Wall of Thorns x2
Rajan's Fury
Tooth and Nail
Mana Crystal x4

Redclaw, Alpha Male
Timber Wolf x3
Dire Wolf x4
Bitterwood Fox x4
Bridge Troll x4
Giant Wolf Spider x2
Galador, Procter of Straywood

Rhino Hide x3
Cobra Reflexes x2
Vampirism x2
Bull Endurance
Bear Strength x3
Cheetah Speed x2

Rouse the Beast x2
Teleport x2
Call of the Wild x3
Minor Heal
Dispel x2
Dissolve x2


The general plan for this book is to get in his face with foxes and timber wolves. Then put out a "pet" dire wolf with a redclaw alpha and go for the throat. The rest of the book is build to either support that or to fall back on if the opponent fends off the assault. I have played this deck quite a few times and there is still nothing better then the look on someones face when you can role 10 dice to attack with a dire wolf. (Bloodthirsty +2,Redclaw bonus +1, Pet +2 and staff of beasts +2) Hope y'all enjoy!  :)


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Re: Running with the pack Beastmaster
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2014, 11:03:28 PM »
4 Bridge Trolls, a Mountain Gorilla, and 2 Giant Wolf Spiders aren't the creatures that I would run in a canine based build, and I would drop them. I vastly prefer Steelclaw all of them for the Beastmaster, and I would drop all 7 creatures.

You have more creatures than you'll ever get to use. Don't get me wrong, I often run Beastmaster builds with more creatures than I'll use in an individual game because I want flexible options and I really don't want to run out of creatures, but this is ridiculous.

I probably wouldn't run 4 Mana Crystals. 2 certainly, but I would rather play either Battleforge or Lair than keep spamming Mana Crystals.

If you remove all of your non-animal creatures, then you can use Lair to help you play them, and Tooth and Nail and Rajan's Fury will help you more. If you want to run a non-animal creature, I would rather include either Valshalla or Kralathor than Bridge Troll and Giant Wolf Spider. Maybe keep one, but certainly not so many.

I would run at least 2 Tanglevines in order to help deal with guards and lock down creatures temporarily. I suppose you can use a Giant Wolf Spider to fulfill this functionality to some extent, but Tanglevine is so cheap.

If you're going to run Wall of Thorns, run Force Push as well.

I would include an Elemental Cloak, a Wand of Healing, and an Enchanter's Ring. Wand of Healing lets you remove conditions, which can be helpful. Elemental Cloak leaves you less vulnerable to Lord of Fire. Enchanter's Ring just makes enchantments incredibly efficient.

I would include more attacks spells. Probably a Force Hammer or Hurl Boulder plus Acid Ball and either Geyser or Surging Wave. You could opt for Spitting Raptors instead of Acid Ball.

Personally, I'm not a big fan of Call of the Wild. I would rather use Marked for Death. Your opponent has to actually remove it, costing them an action, a Dispel, and mana.

I would include more nature enchantments. Vampirism is expensive to include, and only works against living creatures. It's a good card, but you could take 4 Regrowths instead.

I would probably run 3 Dispels. Possibly 3 Dissolves as well.
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Re: Running with the pack Beastmaster
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2014, 11:29:34 PM »
Beast Master is my primary Mage so I'll add what I can in terms of advice.

Just echoing some of what sdougla2 said: take out the spiders and trolls, you won't actually get them cast. you also don't need 4 mana crystals in fact don't use mana crystals, use mana flowers. Get a Lair and Harmonize it. That's about the best way to get creatures out honestly. Yeah Tangelvines are awesome, use em and learn to love em. You probably won't use that gorilla either. I also recommend Surging Wave and Force Hammer. Raptor wouldn't be a bad idea either. Marked For Death and Enchanters Ring are also good ideas though I personally get some mileage out of Call of the Wild.

If you want to just rely on swarm tactics that pester people while you get your big guys out use Thunderift Falcons. Those things are awesome. Get you a pair of Eagle Claw Boots, you WILL be slammed, pushed, etc otherwise. If you want the avoidance of the Reflex Boots then get Cobra Reflexes. You can never have enough Enchantments so rely on Nature spells to get most of your work done but don't be afraid to go to Arcane for Nullify/Reverse Magic and Mind for Block/Reverse Attack. Use the Dark School for stuff like Enfeeble or Agony so as to make enemies easy prey.

  • Favourite Mage: Straywood Beastmaster
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