Hello fellow Mages,
My name is Death-from-above, but you can just call me Death. Unless someone already claims that title in which case, call me from-above. Not as flashy, but shorter I suppose. I've been an avid fan of Mage Wars for a couple of years now and I am trying to get myself back in the game so to speak.
I graduated college recently and most of my time has been consumed by finding a full-time job and it didn't leave much time for me to play the game. I am a good friend of LordofWinter irl (at least I think I am). He is pretty much the main reason as to why I got into this fantastic game. Most of the time though he kicks my butt when we play.
In terms of favorite mages, it varies depending on what sort of mood I am in. If I want to flood the board with creatures, I use the Beastmaster of Straywood. If I want to hide behind my conjurations, I use the warlord (by the way, I am super excited about the Forged in Fire expansion coming out). Ultimately, I love the priest. I have always had a thing for Angels and holy power. The Priestess was great, but not set up to be a super-aggressive mage. With the priest, he can join his holy brethren in smiting anything in their path.
I hope to be contributing to some of the posts here on the forum. If there are any tips and tricks I need to know about the forum, please let me know so I don't do anything wrong or step on someones toes. I figured I would end this post with a question. I am sort of redoing my priest deck since I have been out of the game for a while and would love any sort of advice when it comes to building a solid deck. In terms of what my playstyle is, I like to play somewhat defensive until I have a very small but efficient army to strike at my foe with both the army and my mage. Is their any recommendations for this or is there another Mage I should be looking at that would be better suited at this task?
I am open to any suggestions and criticisms. I am not easily offended haha.