Hi everybody,
Thank you very much for your input, I am very happy to see players participating in such discussions.
Reading your posts I can see two main points that I would like to explore: Spellbinder vs Spelldeck; Should Spellbinders be Included in the Expansions?
Spellbinder vs Spelldeck: This is quite a simple topic IMO. Some players prefer spellbinders, other players prefer Spelldecks. It is a personal choice that does not impact gameplay and players a free to choose whatever they feel more comfortable with.
Should Spellbinders be Included in the Expansions? This is a hot topic that can foment a long discussion. IMO, it is a business decision driven by profit. A comprehensive business analysis could get very complex and we do not have enough data to make such analysis. However, we can see interesting results if we list and explore a few key-points:
=== Reasons to exclude spellbinder in the expansions ===
E1: Players may end up with more spellbinders than necessary: As Lord0fWinter pointed out, some players (including myself) have more spellbinders than mages that can be made at once. Pilling empty spellbinders also may generate a negative psychological effect.
E2: Excluding spellbinders may reduce cost, hence attract more players: As lettucemode pointed out, there is no way for us to know it for sure. However, there is one thing I want to say, most of my friends prefer A Game Of Thrones LCG than Mage Wars because GoT's expansions/packs are cheaper. Players ponder if they should start a new game based on the long term cost. If excluding spellbinders can reduce costs, then; excluding spellbinders is an option that should be carefully considered.
E3: Players who want more spellbinders can purchase it separately: Lord0fWinder, Imaginator, and ACG have good points about it. It is clear that purchasing it separately would be more expansive; but, it would be more beneficial for the other players. In other words, we need to know the ratio of players who fall into E1 to evaluate this key-point.
=== Reasons to include spellbinder in the expansions ===
I1: Players do not want to purchase spellbinders separately due to costs: This is related to E3. Again, we need to know the ratio of players who fall into E1 to evaluate this key point.
I2: It justifies the expansion cost: This may be one of the most important reasons to include spellbinders. We all know that costumers have the impression their money is well spent if they get a big box with nice components. This key-point is related to E1 and E2.
It would be very good if we could know the ratio of players who fall into E1. How about if we open a new topic an ask players their opinion about it?