Here's what I did, and this may be complicated, but I think I saw your post on BGG maybe a week or two ago, and I thought up my own kind of style of notation.
So, to begin, all cards in Mage Wars are defined by their Card Type, and Name. Whenever a card is referenced in Notation, I do so by recording the first two letters of the First Word of the name of the card, follwed by the first two letters of the second word of the card. If the card name is only one word, I use the first three letters of that name. Preceding that, I use one of 6 different abbrevations, depending on which card it is. So:
Creature: Cr
Conjuration: Con
Equipment: Eqp
Attack spell: Att
Incantation: Inc
Enchantment: Enc
These are the most obvious abbrevations I could think of that were quick to write, and easy to recognize. On to the board!
So, when recording notations, most notations are written from a neutral perspective. This means that no matter which side you were sitting on, if you played the game from the notes given, you would play out the exact same game. This can be done with Mage Wars as well, assigning a grid with one side being numbers, and one side being letters. But I don't particularly like this method, as it forces the opponent to imagine a grid backwards, which will just make things confusing. So, in lieu of that, I have just used a numbers system. Assuming you start in the rightmost corner closest to you on the board, and your opponent starts in the corner the furtherest from you, you would standing in 1, and your opponent standing in 12. If you were to move all the way to the left, you would be standing in 4, and if your opponent would move all the way to the right from your perspective, he would be moving into 9. if you move up one square from your current position, you would be standing in five, and if you were to then move to the right, you would be standing in six. Let's do a grid layout to make things easier:
12 11 10 9
5 6 7 8
4 3 2 1
This is by far the easiest for me to visualize, but that does not make it perfect, and I am always asking for advice.
How we define ourselves? this is difficult, as you could say "Me" and "opp", but I tired to go into a little more detail, with:
Fr[type of mage here]
En[type of mage here]
The Abbreviations for mages are as follows:
Fr is Friendly, and En is enemy. So, if I were to ask you right now, what would you think this would be?
It's really intuitive, and I think that even without me posting that explanation above, most of you would have figured out what the above abbreviations mean.
And that's all I really have right now. Ideas, and thoughts are welcome as always!