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Author Topic: Priest vs Priestess different but which is more versatile  (Read 6900 times)


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Priest vs Priestess different but which is more versatile
« on: October 06, 2013, 08:05:46 PM »
Hi all:
I have been recently playing a few matches locally with my wizard but I am gearing up to start playing on OCTGN
and here at home also.
I want to find one particular type of mage to play on a regular basis and champion.

So far I am down to the priest and priestess...
I'm open to exploring different play styles, but I figure finesse and fine tuning will come in time.

That being said... I'd like to ask the community..which of these 2 variations in theme would you recommend
for purposes of someone basically starting out?

On a scale of noob to 10 I am probably a 3 (so far).
I prefer a limited amount of creature and enjoy reaction/denial of an opponents spells a fair amount.
I probably don't have the expertise to build slowly for some grande end game play.

I really need a deck that will let me learn from my opponents while holding it's own.

any suggestions? or good spell decks to alter for said goals?
Please advise and thanks!


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Re: Priest vs Priestess different but which is more versatile
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2013, 01:36:40 AM »
I think the Priest fits your preferred playing style the most (denial, fast).  The Priestess requires much more reactionary thinking (in general), ie heal prediction, poison blood prediction, etc.

I'd recommend battleforge priest with early avenger cleric support (guard meat).  Other than that, just make sure you know when to drop what off your forge (staff early) and save 1 mana each turn for burn payment.  Aim to stack burns through Malakai's Fire and use your avenger as a guard.  If  they figure a way past your avenger guard, use it for the 4d 1 pierce.  If they drop a huge threat, well, you're in the holy school.  Include some fireballs, etc, for finishers.

All that said, the priestess is probably easier, but you don't seem like you'd enjoy her as much.  All the info you need is in the above paragraph anyway, so gg.
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