Chain lightning vs Intervene:
Wizard casts chainlightning one zone away and wants to hit 2 targets in the zone.
The Dwarfen panzterbro on
guard (he can intervene).
Bridge troll.
Scenario 1:
Wizard targets Bridge troll with first chain hit. Panzterbro Redirects the ranged attack to himself (intervene when guarding).
Wizard can target bridge troll again on the second hit of Chain lightning because first hit never actually ended up targetting / hitting troll.
Wizard can target Pantzerbro on second hit because he havent TARGETTED him before - the guy just intervened taking the bullet.
ending up hitting panzterbro twiceC)
The Wizard cannot target either because he targetted the troll already on first hit, and he damaged the panzterbro on first hit so both are now illegal targets for a second hit
Scenario 2:
The wizard Targets Panzterbro who is on guard with first hit (we assume he does
NOT get stunned).
Second hit goes to troll and Panzterbro wishes to Intervene
Panzterbro cannot intervene because chainlightning can only hit / target each target once.
Panzterbro CAN intervene but he will not take damage from the second hit of chainlightning because he took damage from the first hit and chain can only damage each target once.
Panzterbro intervenes and takes damage from both first and second hit of chain lightning.
Whirling spirit attacks a guard and succeds the push roll. Will the guard get the counter strike or not?
And yes... im building an Air Wizard
I guess that the whirling spirit is close to the same as lightning attack melee'ers (angel). If they land a daze / stun when attacking will the counter striking creature be affected so it either has to roll a daze check or get stunned and cannot counterstrike.