Treat the Forcemaster like a Hydra, something that you don't want to start your turn next to, but is susceptible to some of the same counters (Agony/ Armor/ Avoiding).
If you start in the FMs zone and fail to leave during 1st QC you deserve to lose. a proper FM build will kill you in 1-3 hit because damage rolls are random. When Playing against an FM treat it more like a combo deck rather than an aggro deck.
Not necessarily. If you have Armor 2+, Aegis 1, and/or have Agony on the FM, that drastically reduces the FM's damage output down to the point where it may be somewhat manageable. Also having guards helps.
Still, I take your point. If you start the turn in the same zone as a buffed FM, you need to make sure you won't die on the spot. Teleport/Force Push can help, as can reducing the FM's damage output. I also like the possibility of tossing down a Wall of Thorns and Force Pushing the FM through it, but that would only work if I had initiative.
One of the reasons I like using a Thoughtspore with Teleport is that it prevents my opponent from getting away nearly as easily. They can't just use a Wall to hold me off for a turn or 2, they can't just Teleport away, and they can't kite me effectively.