So I received my new spellbooks yesterday and they look awesome! Thank you so much Alfiya!
The one book that had the skewing issue was because the pages were glued to the plastic spine in a VERY crooked manner, so even filling the book up with cards it is still completely crooked.
I attempted to fix it myself by pulling out the ream of pages and re-gluing it to the plastic spine straight, but I ended up completely ruining the book, which is fine because I got the replacements.
Not only did Alfiya send me new spell books but she offered to send a Mage Wars T-shirt to my son, who happens to love the game now we are both hopelessly infatuated with this game now.
How awesome is that!?
BTW, I usually hang out over at BGG but it looks like there’s a lot going on over here. I’m gonna have to spend more time here!