Hey guys,
I personally have no problems with the idea of our players using proxies. First and foremost, I believe this is a game of the players, by the players, and for the players. We are here to support the community and improve player experience, and therefore anyone that desires to use proxies has our blessing. Proxy cards are used to augment and enhance player experience, and I absolutely do not see this as a threat to the business model. Proxies are more harmful to TCGs that force players to spend copious amounts of money in order to collect “rare” cards, which are often also the most powerful. Our game doesn’t suffer from this problem because we are customizable, not collectible. As far as official blank proxies go, we are currently considering this as a potential addition to future sets. For the time being, I suggest you make hand-made proxies for what you need and to sleeve the cards so that your opponent cannot discern their true nature.