Last ones from me, for now. The Lord of Beasts' creature will be coming from Silverclaw Grizzly.
Second to last is the nymph's epic creature, Gelump. A simple name for a simple creature. He grapples enemy creatures so that he can eat them. When he does, his stomach continues the attack, dissolving the unfortunate into sustenance for him. This creature takes the power of Corrode to a new level. Level 2 creatures are very likely to die if they do not escape before the first attack of digestion and stronger creatures will come out horribly weakened by the corrode.

Last up is the Sage's epic creature. Arcana is pure force channeled by his mage and by the mage's followers. Where one cleric may only roll 2-3 dice and have difficulty punching through the armor of stronger targets, they can instead lend their strength to Arcana to create a collectively more powerful punch. I expect Arcana to have the largest dice pools of any creature in the Archmage format, easily.

I'll get the last creature up when it is ready, and then we can begin the playtesting.