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Messages - Zizzac

Pages: [1]
World and Lore / Re: Summoning Creatures?
« on: July 14, 2014, 09:02:30 PM »
Thanks so much for the reply! That helps out a lot with what I'm working on. :) Thanks again!

General Discussion / Video play throughs?
« on: May 28, 2014, 03:34:18 PM »
First of all, sorry in advance if I've posted this in the wrong section.

I was wondering if there were any video play throughs of the game online anywhere to watch. I've watched all of the official tutorial videos, watched most of the Crit Happens video, and watched a little of the Grey Elephants play through before I had to stop. :P But I'm wondering if there's maybe tournament footage, or something that has both players know all the rules and doesn't have a lot of mistakes made throughout. I ask because I'm still learning the game and don't get to play too often, so watching two pros go at it would help me out a lot.

Anybody know of anything I've missed?

World and Lore / Re: Summoning Creatures?
« on: May 28, 2014, 03:10:18 PM »
Thanks for all the replies! :) I was wondering about that, sIKE. So when we summon the creatures, we are just using mana to make a representation of that creautre, not actually pulling the creature through a portal? And only the creatures with Legendary, Epic, or Unique are the ones we actually summon to the arena. Is that correct?

World and Lore / Summoning Creatures?
« on: May 26, 2014, 09:26:11 PM »
Hey there everyone. I'm new here, just picked up the game after reading about it and fell in love with it.

I'm kind of a super-nerd for lore and the like though, so I had a question.

When your mage summons a creature, is that creature just plucked from the land somewhere else and brought through a portal to the arena? And what is making it listen to you in the first place? I can understand for some of the animals being able to be ordered to do something, but what happens when you summon a soldier? Was he just standing there at guard duty and is suddenly standing before a Hydra with some old crazy guy yelling at him to swing his sword at it?

For any of you who know of Kaijudo (Which is probably very few :P ), in the show they actually explain all of that. The creatures are from a parallel dimension where they have their own lives and when summoned, a portal opens and they are compelled to answer the summon and go through it. Afterwards they are controlled and ordered through manipulating the creature's own mana. (It's actually an amazing show, by the way. Totally recommend. :D )

I know most of it can be hand waved away by saying "It's a game.", but I was wondering if there was actually anywhere lore wise where they explained why the creatures listen to the mage's orders, and if they are just plucked away from where they're standing when they're summoned.


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