Alternative Play / Warlord vs Forcemage Apprentice Books
« on: February 20, 2013, 11:53:36 PM »
I know it just came out today, but i was hoping to get some help developing some Apprentice Level spellbooks for Warlord vs Forcemage. Just in the FLGS today, the new expansion generated a bunch of interest in the two new mages, and I was hoping to have a way to make lists so i can demo with them in the near (Saturday!) future.
Any suggestions? I've noticed the following rules apply to the apprentice books as vast generalities.
You want to avoid ability-specific equipment for example, the Curse of Fear.
Avoid Spellbind effects and Familiars.
Avoid Non-attaching Conjurations (IE Tanglevine is okay, Wall of Pikes isn't.)
Avoid Legendary and Epic spells and Creatures.
Tend towards Enchantments with simple, concise effects (Block, Bear's Strength, Force Hold).
Keep all spells Thematic (No healing for Warlocks!)
With those (general) guidelines in mind, can we pare down the sample books for Forcemaster and Warlord to their apprentice versions? Devs, any input? I feel like this was a massive oversight, and my only complaint about the new expansion.
Any suggestions? I've noticed the following rules apply to the apprentice books as vast generalities.
You want to avoid ability-specific equipment for example, the Curse of Fear.
Avoid Spellbind effects and Familiars.
Avoid Non-attaching Conjurations (IE Tanglevine is okay, Wall of Pikes isn't.)
Avoid Legendary and Epic spells and Creatures.
Tend towards Enchantments with simple, concise effects (Block, Bear's Strength, Force Hold).
Keep all spells Thematic (No healing for Warlocks!)
With those (general) guidelines in mind, can we pare down the sample books for Forcemaster and Warlord to their apprentice versions? Devs, any input? I feel like this was a massive oversight, and my only complaint about the new expansion.