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Topics - thomyerk

Pages: [1]
Player Feedback and Suggestions / spellbooks - hard to use
« on: January 18, 2013, 08:50:06 AM »
the disturbing thing is when you want to put your cards in the books, you have to use both of ur hands, because the top of the pockets have the same height. if the closer one (the frontal) is a bit lower, i can slip the card's corner to the pocket, and its easier to get the cards to their right place. the main problem is with the upper pockets, they dont have anything that prop up them (while the lowes have the thickness of other pages and the book itself).

i know i'm a bit late wih this, because i'm sure the new expansions are in the manufacturers, but for the future books and expansions.

no one have the same problem?

(also I couldnt really explain it well, sorry. )

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