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Topics - Nihilistiskism

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Organized Play
« on: November 15, 2012, 10:42:48 PM »
My retailer has given me a green light for running events. He gets in touch with his distributor on Monday, but I wanted to ask:

Are the OP kits offered through distributors or are they sold by AW directly to retailers?
How much do OP kits cost retailers?


Creative / Custom wood/stone board:
« on: October 23, 2012, 09:55:48 AM »
Over the next month or so I'm going to be working on a project revolving around the creation of a customized wood-bordered silhouette stone/plaster board. I'll be updating this thread with semi-regularity with updates, pictures, and other information should anyone wish to follow the progress of this project and/or emulate the final results.

Placeholder GO!


General Discussion / Your LEAST favorite aspect of Mage Wars is...
« on: October 22, 2012, 06:17:06 AM »

While playing through this game, I can honestly say that there is really only one thing that I have found in the rules, makeup, gameplay, and design about which I am kind of ambivalent; the rules re: ranged attacks.

Currently, a figure can make a ranged attack regardless of other figures in its square on the board. To me, this has been the only counter-intuitive aspect of the rules. In most other games that I have played, when your creature is "engaged" or "based" or (insert your preferred term), it cannot implement ranged combat actions. From a thematic standpoint it simply makes sense, in my opinion, that a Royal Archer with a Darkfene Hydra staring it down, standing right next to it, probably wouldn't be whipping out his bow to shoot at a different enemy 2 squares away. No, he'd probably be whipping out his knife to try and fend off the Hydra.

Now, don't get me wrong, please; this is part of the design of Mage Wars, and I very much like the design of Mage Wars. Given the size of the board it would simply be too easy to stop dangerous ranged attacks if all you needed to do was drop a creature into the square with the ranged combat attacker, effectively nullifying that threat at little hindrance to your own strategy (presuming a spellbook containing even a smattering of creatures, which most presumably do). So my ambivalence isn't directed at the design, as I fully understand said design, but more at the destruction of theme, which I feel is very rich and fluid in this game. Basically, every time I face down opposing ranged creatures I am "jolted" out of the realism of the game by remembering that you can't "tie them up" by putting creatures in their faces.

So, what's your least favorite aspect of Mage Wars?


General Discussion / Questions about production:
« on: October 22, 2012, 06:06:37 AM »
As someone who designs games as a hobby, I'm always curious to know about the production methods that go into a game. In looking at Mage Wars, I'm simply flabbergasted at the seemingly endless nuances of production that have gone into making this game so exceptional "out of the box."

  [li]Wooden Tokens[/li]
  [li]Foldout Board[/li]

In doing my own production analysis, I was unable to find a production house that could incorporate all of these different elements into a single box. Not talking prices, here, just...unable to find a house that could do it all.

I'm curious how difficult it was to get this game produced.

1) Was a production house found that "did it all?"
2) If not, how many separate production houses manufactured how many different components?
3) If following 2, how were the separate components brought together? Was this done in-house, or was there a primary producer who coordinated the various elements into one box, then shrinkwrapped it?
4) (touchy subject) -> Price point? Obviously I could reverse engineer a projection on how much it costs this company to produce a single copy of Mage Wars...that's not my question. How, erm, compromising did this company have to be in regard to getting everything done at a reasonable price per unit? I'll explain: Typically, with any sort of mass production, PPU goes down at rough margins per 1k units (somewhere in the neighborhood of a 10% reduction per unit per 1k units produced, to a cap). Without knowing anything about the funding potentials for Mage Wars, this is an impossible guessing game for an outsider. When looking at all the fundamental elements, how much did this company have to "work with" the primary production house to get the overall pricetag down in relation to PPU?
5) (open-ended) -> How would things have been done differently assuming there were no limitations on options or funding? That is to say; would MW look significantly different if money had been no issue, and there was a magical production house out there that could literally do "anything" you wanted done?

Thanks for the insight!  :)


General Discussion / Your FAVORITE aspect of Mage Wars is...
« on: October 18, 2012, 11:12:59 PM »

While picking out the numerous innovations and striking concepts present in the game, I have to say that I feel the thing that most attracts me to the game, my favorite aspect of the game, is the fact that everything is LOGICAL to the extreme. If you think something works a certain way it probably does. Mage Wars isn't a guessing game when it comes to how things function, and that's a solid breathe of fresh air in the ever-more convoluted world of tabletop gaming.

What's your favorite thing about Mage Wars?


General Discussion / No, really, how do you play a game in < 1 hour?
« on: October 18, 2012, 11:05:11 PM »
My friend and I have played something like 10 or 11 games, now, and NOT ONE of them has gone less than 1.5 hours.

Common misconceptions debunked:

1) In but two of our games we were both very familiar with our decks
2) We don't spend 10% of our time looking for a specific token (they are laid out very meticulously prior to gameplay)
3) We don't spend 10% of our time looking through the glossary/index/rulebook

I'm talking about two grown, reasonably intelligent people sitting down and playing the game, to our best ability, with as little down-time between actions as still allows us to think about our moves.

How is it that others can play a game in < 1 hour? HOW?!?!?


Strategy and Tactics / Good Priestess Combo
« on: October 05, 2012, 04:52:54 AM »
I've become a new fan of the following combination of cards:

Dawnbreaker Ring + Hawkeye + Pillar of Light (best if attached to a Wand)

This gives you a 2-square range, 4-dice attack with a VERY high chance to Daze or Stun the target. I'm very much loving this combo. It gives good board control and it doesn't cost much once it's set up. If you were playing against a super-aggressive player you could start throwing these on the 2nd turn if you felt pressured to control the board, a bit.



Strategy and Tactics / Should every spellbook include Chain Lightning?
« on: October 05, 2012, 04:38:29 AM »
I just recently added Chain Lightning to my Priestess deck on a lark, and it was HUGELY instrumental in helping me defeat the Beastmaster in a game last night. Elemental Wand + Chain Lightning = exceptional re-usable crowd-control.

Now, I'm not talking about theorycrafting, or the metagame, really, just principle. It is exactly the kind of spell that can swing the tide of battle in your favor, and, as a meta card, I think it really could warrant inclusion in just about every spellbook.

Thoughts? Opinions?


General Discussion / Laid back or aggressive?
« on: October 01, 2012, 10:06:22 AM »
What kind of player are you? What Mage best embellishes your own personal playstyle?

Personally, I am in love with the Priestess, because she perfectly represents my style of play, and she can be devastating when played carefully and methodically.


General Discussion / Blah, I'm new here!
« on: September 30, 2012, 06:20:33 AM »
Hello. :-D

I split the cost of buying this game at Gencon with a friend, and we LOVE it. I'm happy to be a part of the forum community. :-P

Right now I am really enjoying the Priestess. I'm several games up on my friend, now, using her, and she fits my playstyle pretty perfectly. I will say, though, that I wish she had more/better options for her quickcast spells than all that healing. I find that I very very rarely use healing spells in a game, relying more, instead, on my enchantments and angels.

Um, yeah, rambling, sorry.


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