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Messages - magerunner

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General Discussion / Re: Organized Play
« on: January 10, 2018, 07:29:26 AM »
So I am very late to this conversation but I would like to put my thoughts out there and a Mage Wars event runner at Conventions (Con Carolina and Mace here in NC).  Warning this is a bit long, but please read it all if you are so inclined.

Overall Mage Wars objective is to take out the other mage.  That said the only hic-up that we come across are games that go to the time limit.  I am in the camp that games that go to time are a draw, whit no winner or loser, and should be scored as such.  Either marked at a draw/tie or if going by point then award both mages the equal points.  I also believe that a points-based system would be the best for tracking standings and not worry about Win/Loss/Tie.  If we would do that at time limit draw, and we would give as much time as we can to players to allow a conclusion (75-80-90 minute games). 

While most games do not go to the time limit, there are some who build does more to keep their mage alive than to take out the other mage.  What makes this hard is a couple of things.
1. The player who may be expecting to go to the time limit, and win this way, is prepared.  The other player may not be and this can be very tiring physically and mentally, as you do not get a break between matches.
2. This is a stress on the Event Runners trying to get the next set of matches going in a timely manner without allowing too much time between the matches.

Not all endings can have a clear winner/loser and Mage Wars matches going to time are that way.  I have seen matches if Time would be called like normal then one player would be the loser when compared to the way things are wanting to be done, but as the play goes a bit longer this same player will easily win.  I am a big supporter of an even draw.  Some might think well then the player who went to time 3 time and draw won't get a chance to get to finals.  This may be true, and that is something that I am ok with.  Will they have more points than a mage who lost 3 times, yeah.  Will they have more points than a  mage that won twice and lost one, likely not.  Three draws should be equal to 1.5 wins.  So they would be ranked higher than any 1 win 2 loss players, but not above 2 wins. 

Some might think this is penalizing players that have their match go to the time limit.  You can look at it that way, but only if you compare it to how it is being done now.  What I am looking at is a forward facing idea on how to make the idea of the timed game (no matter what the time limit is) be scorable and easy not only to the players but to the Event Runners as well.  So, as an example, You make Wins 2 points, Loss 0, Draw game 1 point for each mage. 

These are my thoughts, I have had them for a while and I just wanted to put them out.

Rules Discussion / Re: Alandell and Battle Fury
« on: December 27, 2016, 11:58:32 AM »
BUT - he will still have the + to the effect die for the second attack.  So chance to really stun.

General Discussion / Re: Projects.
« on: December 27, 2016, 11:39:34 AM »
Being on the receiving end of a ticked off Metatron I can attest that he is a pain.

Player Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Errata'd cards as promo cards?
« on: December 14, 2016, 11:16:23 AM »
A printable color sheet with the format set for the cards, would work for me.  Just print that card out, slide it into a sleeve (or paste it to the old card).  They have done this before, and I would not mind them continuing the process.

General Discussion / The one that got away
« on: December 13, 2016, 04:31:53 PM »
So.. after a rather vicious fight with silverclawgrizzly.. I wanted to hear some from the community about those battles that you lost right when you were for sure you had already won or those that you pull out bloody bruised and barely alive.

With us, I have been trying to get back into the game after nearly a year out and fine tuning my Fml Warlock book.  It was me at one life left and SCG about 20 damage or so.  I managed to block, then guard with my nearly dead Helion (who died).  Teleported 2 squares.  Next turn, Fireball (he moves closer) step fireball.. and with the burn from the first i heal... not going to keep up but thanks to shenanigans on my part (and MEND, lord know the dark lady loves mend) I was at 3 live when SCG died to burns.

One thing I never do, is just toss in the towel.  Dice can swing for you very very hard and this time they did.

General Discussion / Re: Always forget
« on: December 13, 2016, 03:33:14 PM »
I.. have not made enough books to respond to this.  I will say, I hate forgetting to REMOVE a particular spell after a) Never once using it in 10+ matches or b) It under performing every time it is cast.  Get thinking of what to replace it when, get into a new match and remember you still have the dead weight.

Player Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Errata'd cards as promo cards?
« on: December 01, 2016, 04:25:09 PM »
I don't think this is a horrible idea... maybe something that could be looked into?

General Questions / Re: Sectarus, the dark sword
« on: November 28, 2016, 08:47:14 AM »
The big thing to look at with all familiar objects is if it is given any line of text to cast and how.  Wife Sectaurs is not given any kind of action maker then it has only that one outlet for casting.

Still tooling with the Paladin trying to find a good niche for him.  One time I did play him I was never able to get enough Valor to pull off an Aura, until I could not spare the Quick Action to do it (was using my light saber to melt face).  He may work with some buddies, using his banner in far away place to get two bodies on the field quick.  Holy has some of the better creatures out there, just most are over his starting Channel (this is how I judge usefulness, it does not rule out a creature though).

The Siren, while cool, keeps running into problems of solid creature pool.  Water just does not have a very large depth of creatures to pull from just yet, and I am not sure she can do the Buddy build style very well.  She has some very good control, and can play the push game like no bodies business.  I have seen her just wreck with Tsunami as well, he spell pool is top of the line amazing.

My thought on first use, and build play.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Adramalech warlock and the gate to hell
« on: August 13, 2014, 01:07:19 PM »
Actually, I look at it as a sturdy way to get +1 melee to all my demons.  Ignoring the attack action.  With 1-2 creatures it is meh.  Going to 3-8+ creatures and you are getting into some really powerful effects.  Cost wise though it is still rough.  Situational, bit could have impressive synergy like say getting Wildfire Imps to 6 dice.  That is nothing to sneeze at.

Indeed, but it really takes a chunk out of you. 12 mana for plus 1 melee is pricey, and its 6 points in the spellbook (that's a good few tools you are giving up right there). And, as someone has said, its attack - which is somewhat the point of the price of the card, could do considerable damage to your own swarm, if that's teh way you are going.
Honestly it is theory, and as you said it could wipe out my own swarm.  I could also be used to pop a finishing blow, or add some burn.  Swarm has some issues to deal with.

Strategy and Tactics / Re: Adramalech warlock and the gate to hell
« on: August 11, 2014, 11:58:43 AM »
Actually, I look at it as a sturdy way to get +1 melee to all my demons.  Ignoring the attack action.  With 1-2 creatures it is meh.  Going to 3-8+ creatures and you are getting into some really powerful effects.  Cost wise though it is still rough.  Situational, bit could have impressive synergy like say getting Wildfire Imps to 6 dice.  That is nothing to sneeze at.

Spellbook Design and Construction / Re: Sardonyx Warlock
« on: August 04, 2014, 05:57:07 AM »
You are going to have a very up hill battle here.
the fact that some well placed walls can cause you multiple turns of damage (unles Sardonx can walk through walls I am not looking at it right now)

Rules Discussion / Re: Disable abbility
« on: July 27, 2014, 03:20:28 PM »
It affects everything equipment does. The stuff about not affecting life, armour etc. is to do with if the 'disable' condition is played on a creature/conjuration, as those have all those stats.

Equipment doesn't have those characteristics in the first place, so disable stops it having any effect at all. With the sole exception of Sectarus, which has channeling 1 and would keep that when disabled.

The rules are presumably there for when new cards come out in future sets that allow you to disable creatures/conurations.
not trying to be a technical ninny but Libra Mortis also has a channeling trait.

Did this ever change? I have to assume it was intended that the builder could repair a wall.
the card has not been changed as of yet.

this is a very common issue that comes up with warlord players.

General Discussion / Re: Expansion cards
« on: July 26, 2014, 06:56:45 AM »
Some kind of personal online expansion builder will be cool.

You will just put into basket all cards you need and order them. This kind of e-shop would be awesome :) ... and pretty complicated.

Right now, i am fine with current numbers of cards. But that doesnt mean that i dont want to hoard more of them :)
This is a good idea, and not unheard of (CCG/TCG singles).  If the ideas that it could hurt the purchase of core sets, that is possible.  Core set (while expensive) offer a huge amount of cards and accessories for the price.  So much so that after a second core it be comes cumbersome to keep up with all of it.

If I could go to a card maker at and then choose X number of previously printed cards (I am thinking core set and possible some from older expansions) and then have them shipped to me.... oh yes I would.  Wanting to play a beast master (core) then realizing that you only get 2 Thundergrif Falcons per Core, very irritating. 

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